1 bottle = 100 ml = 1500 drops; alcohol (24 % vol.)
Natural alternative to herbal bitter spirits after meals
All the plants and herbs used in these bitter drops from Unimedica contain bitter substances. People used to say: if it’s bitter it helps. Herbal bitter spirits were therefore served with heavy meals. The idea was that this makes you feel better and re-energised more quickly after eating. Yet normal bitter spirits contain a lot of sugar and alcohol.
There are bitter-tasting vegetables and fruits such as grapefruit, chicory or rocket. Naturally bitter foods have an alkaline effect on digestion, stimulating the production of digestive juices. Yet our food contains ever fewer bitter substances and their effect is overwhelmed by added sugar and flavouring.
Bitter drops for the sweet life
Our sense of taste has changed over recent decades. One contributory factor is industrially processed foods, which often contain a lot of sugar and salt but scarcely any bitter substances. From an early age we just prefer sweet things. Even originally bitter fruit and vegetables now contain fewer bitter substances due to modern plant breeding so they tend to taste sweeter. Unfortunately, we can never get enough sweetness and then we’re plagued with food cravings.
Our body needs bitter substances
The bitter drops fulfil a similar function to the classic herbal bitters. The advantage of the bitter drops from Unimedica is that they contain only natural ingredients with no sugar. Three doses of 25 drops a day is enough to benefit from the valuable bitter substances.
The bitter drops from Unimedica contain extracts from 19 dried herbs and plant parts. Alcohol and water is used to extract the valuable ingredients of the plants, for example from the roots, leaves or flowers.
The selected 19 plants and herbs include gentian root, artichoke, dandelion root, centaury, angelica root, absinthe (wormwood), yarrow plant and flowers, milk thistle, ginger root, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric root, frankincense (olibanum), zedoary (white turmeric), olive leaf, aniseed, black cumin seed, grapeseed as well as bitter fennel seeds.
Each bottle of bitter drops from Unimedica contains 1500 drops or 100 ml. This is enough for 3 weeks.
Bitter drops from Unimedica are, according to legal requirements, free of preservatives and still free of additives such as sugar, sugar substitutes, colouring, stabilisers and separating agents such as magnesium stearate; they are also GMO-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan.