Tim Couzens
Tim Couzens
Tim Couzens is a practicing vet in Ealing, West London, and became interested in alternative medicine at an early stage.
He studied at the “Royal London Homeopathic Hospital,“ where he qualified in 1995.
He then opened his “Holistic Veterinary Medicine Centre,” which specializes in homeopathy, phytotherapy, acupuncture, Bach flower remedies, and nutrition.
Tim Couzen's special interest is the homeopathic treatment of horses. He has appeared on television and regularly publishes articles on the topic of alternative medicine in various specialist journals.
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Books 1 to 4 (of 4)
Das Pferde-Homöopathie-Buch
Ein Fachbuch für Therapeuten und Pferdebesitzer
580 pages, hb, product no. 06724
Tierhomöopathie-Kongress 2013 - DVD-Set
Seminar vom 19.-21. April 2013 in Badenweiler
9 DVDs, DVD, product no. 14572
Armstrong Murphy palliative Begleitung
Armstrong Staphisagria nach Operationen
Couzens Kolik bei Pferden
Favre Fleischschafe und ihre Arzneimittel
Favre Klauenbeschwerden
Fraefel Sulphur ist der Kaiser mit Video
Henne Arthrose
Henne Wo beisst der Egel
Krüger Hufe und AM
Krüger Nat-phos metabolisches Syndrom Sommerekzem Cushing-Syndrom
Pysall Pferdevokabel Seitengang als freundschaftliche Anfrage
Saxton Fall Lollipop Geschwulst der Zunge Thuja
Sonnenschmidt Miasmatische Vogeltherapie
Horses and Homeopathy - a Pocket Guide
160 pages, pb, product no. 10723
Homeopathy for the Major Complaints of Horses - 1 DVD
Veterinary Congress - April 19, 2013 in Badenweiler Germany
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 15877