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The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza

Sandra Perko

Buch: 435 pages, pb
product no.: 02499
weight: 730g
ISBN: 9789076189697 9789076189697

The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza

Sandra Perko

Surviving Influenza, Epidemics and Pandemics, Past, Present and Future with Homeopathy Special Bird Flu Edition
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
Buch: 435 pages, pb
product no.: 02499
weight: 730g
ISBN: 9789076189697 9789076189697

The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 was the most devastating epidemic of influenza so far. Together with the Plague of Justinian from 542 and the Black Death of 1347-1350, it is known as “one of the three most destructive pests” ever to have afflicted humankind. Whereas the Black Death in the 14th century took four years to spread through Europe and later Asia, Spanish Flu only took four months in 1918 to affect the entire world, at a cost of around 40 million lives.

Now the health authorities have been quietly preparing for the return of a global flu super-virus. Whether flu will start its devastating march in “one or ten years” is unknown, but there is – according to a renowned virologist – “no doubt that flu is the most dangerous of all infectious diseases.”

Sandra Perko shows what the Spanish flu of 1918 really meant using the cases described in the first part of her book. This epidemic caused more fatalities than the entire First World War. Particularly during this period of helplessness and fright, homeopathy proved itself an outstanding form of treatment.

With 68 homeopathic flu remedies and a repertory of over 150 pages, this book is surely the most comprehensive reference work available. It can be consulted for minor cases of flu as well as for epidemics.

“Sandra Perko’s timely wakeup call reminds us that the virus is an agent subject to frequent and unpredictable changes, and has proven itself capable of causing rapid death to multitudes, including the young and healthy.  As Homeopaths, we are privileged to posses the means to confront the threat of another influenza pandemic; proven medicines in potency and matrices of vital information, of which this disturbing and inspiring book is a prime example.”
Peter Wright, ND, DHANP

“Wow! If a lethal flu hit my home town would I (as a fairly new homeopath) be ready for it? I am sure homeopathy could help, but would my skills be up to handling something like that? How about my family and friends who live hundreds of miles away? Is there information I could send them that would help them in a flu crisis situation? Information that could help them find the right remedy to use to save their lives?

“Yes, yes, yes. Sandra Perko's book, 'The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, surviving influenza epidemics and pandemics past, present and future with homeopathy,' is a treasure. The book is easy to read and easy to understand whether you are an experienced homeopath or just an interested reader. Best of all, with even limited knowledge of homeopathy, this book can stand alone as a source of information and aid to successful prescribing ...  When the flu hits, this is a book that you will want in hand.  I wouldn’t be without it!”
Maria T. Bohle (Homeopathy Today)
Concerned virologists have been expecting the appearance of a virulent Influenza strain that may well rival the great 1918-1919 Spanish Flu epidemic which swept the globe in only a matter of months and left between 20 to 50 million people dead in one of the most horrific medical crisis to ever strike the earth. Since that dreadful pandemic, scientists at the Center for Disease Control, in cooperation with the World Health Organization and the Defense Department have been carefully monitoring both SARS and influenza in anticipation of mutated disease strains which would be capable-of causing a world-wide- epidemic equal to, or worse-than, the- infamous 1918 Spanish Flu.
The world barely missed just such a dreadful pandemic in 1997 when six people in Hong Kong died from a strain of deadly influenza which had somehow passed directly from chickens to humans; a situation thought impossible up to that time. The immediate destruction of millions of chickens prevented what virologists feared could have developed into a frightening world-wide influenza pandemic in the event that a single person happened to contract both the bird flu and a human strain of flu at the same time. Should this occur, the disease might then mutate into a new influenza epidemic strain to which humans have no natural immunity. In the face of such a threat, what can be done?

Since 1997 scientists have worked diligently to develop a vaccine for the so-called Bird Flu. However, since the bird flu has again appeared throughout Asia, the World Health Organization reports that "the search for a vaccine has been set back because the virus has mutated. The viral strain detected in Hong Kong in 1997 no longer can be used as the key to producing a vaccine." If modern medical technology has no answers, does homeopathy have a proven successful historical record of dealing withl such a world-wide emergency? Indeed it does!

Read how homeopathic doctors and hospitals the world over were able to successfully treat the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu when no other treatment was effective. There is absolutely no reason to doubt that it can do so again.

The 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic
As we near, what is hoped to be, the end of the current “Swine Flu” pandemic, we are left with the uncomfortable problematic predicament that we may not have seen the last of H1N1. Why is that? We know that the infamous Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 came in three waves. As explained on page 18 of The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, Surviving Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics Past, Present and Future with Homeopathy, “Ordinary influenza epidemics are more common during the cold winter months.
Therefore, even though the first wave of the disease began in the spring months of March, April and May of 1918, and produced an unanticipated higher than normal mortality rate, and even though in the back of their minds, doctors were aware that influenza pandemics were known to appear outside of the winter months, very little thought was given to this ominous sign.”
That is, until the second wave appeared. “The second and most lethal form of the disease struck in the late summer of 1918 and continued through the following fall and winter. It proved to be the most devastating influenza event in medical history. . . . During the six months of the second wave there was such an astonishing loss of life, one that was so great as to be unprecedented in 20th century medical history for any previous disease, that it seemed the whole world was dying. Hardly a household escaped the death of at least one family member and thousands of children were orphaned.”
“Just as the epidemic appeared to subside somewhat in the spring of 1919 and people began to feel that the worst was over, the Spanish Lady returned again in the winter of 1919 to finish her final death march. . . . .
After she had exacted her fury in what was the worst medical catastrophe of all time (50 to 100 million dead), she vanished from the face of the earth as mysteriously as she had come.”
In the ninety-one years since that unmatched Spanish Flu, virologists throughout the world have been carefully watching and preparing for the appearance of anything approaching the likes of such an influenza virus. I have chronicled the following major epidemics and pandemics in this book – the Asian Flu, 1957, the Hong Kong Flu, 1968, The Swine Flu, 1976 and the Bird Flu, 1997. While these were bad flu episodes (the CDC reports that 36,000 die each year of complications of influenza) they have not proved to be a match for the Spanish Flu.
What then are we to expect from the current 2009, H1N1 “Swine Flu”? While still quite active in many parts of the world, and despite the numerous deaths from complications, it does appear to be on the decline.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization are well aware of the Three Waves of Deadly Influenza Pandemics, and are currently working tirelessly to try and stay ahead of the probable return of H1N1 in perhaps a far deadlier second wave mutated form. We certainly cannot afford to become complacent. According to a recent Washing Post article, “Exactly how swine flu fits into the pantheon of flu pandemics won’t be known for a while. It will take months – and many more victims – for its full personality and behavior to emerge. This is a lot more than just seasonal flu out of season. Pandemic flu strains – and this new H1N1strain is all but certain to cause the 21st century’s first pandemic – are unpredictable. Any contagious disease that most of the world’s 6.8 billion people can
catch is inherently dangerous.”
It is very important, therefore, to understand that this book is not just a book concerning “Swine Flu.” It is not just a book concerning “Bird Flu.” It is not even just a homeopathic book on Influenza. It is a homeopathic book about how to protect and survive any upper respiratory viral infections, be it influenza, bronchitis, viral pneumonia and even the common viral cold. Why wait until panic grips the world with the appearance of any future flu “super bug.” Practice using the Quick Keynote Reference pages 135 - 233 & 408 - 415. Learn how now to spot the haracteristics of the most common flu remedies as they may also apply in lesser cases of viral infections, so that when you, or your family, are forced to deal with a truly dangerous influenza outbreak, you will be ready.

43.90 US$
42.90 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

The Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 was the most devastating epidemic of influenza so far. Together with the Plague of Justinian from 542 and the Black Death of 1347-1350, it is known as “one of the three most destructive pests” ever to have afflicted humankind. Whereas the Black Death in the 14th century took four years to spread through Europe and later Asia, Spanish Flu only took four months in 1918 to affect the entire world, at a cost of around 40 million lives.

Now the health authorities have been quietly preparing for the return of a global flu super-virus. Whether flu will start its devastating march in “one or ten years” is unknown, but there is – according to a renowned virologist – “no doubt that flu is the most dangerous of all infectious diseases.”

Sandra Perko shows what the Spanish flu of 1918 really meant using the cases described in the first part of her book. This epidemic caused more fatalities than the entire First World War. Particularly during this period of helplessness and fright, homeopathy proved itself an outstanding form of treatment.

With 68 homeopathic flu remedies and a repertory of over 150 pages, this book is surely the most comprehensive reference work available. It can be consulted for minor cases of flu as well as for epidemics.

“Sandra Perko’s timely wakeup call reminds us that the virus is an agent subject to frequent and unpredictable changes, and has proven itself capable of causing rapid death to multitudes, including the young and healthy.  As Homeopaths, we are privileged to posses the means to confront the threat of another influenza pandemic; proven medicines in potency and matrices of vital information, of which this disturbing and inspiring book is a prime example.”
Peter Wright, ND, DHANP

“Wow! If a lethal flu hit my home town would I (as a fairly new homeopath) be ready for it? I am sure homeopathy could help, but would my skills be up to handling something like that? How about my family and friends who live hundreds of miles away? Is there information I could send them that would help them in a flu crisis situation? Information that could help them find the right remedy to use to save their lives?

“Yes, yes, yes. Sandra Perko's book, 'The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, surviving influenza epidemics and pandemics past, present and future with homeopathy,' is a treasure. The book is easy to read and easy to understand whether you are an experienced homeopath or just an interested reader. Best of all, with even limited knowledge of homeopathy, this book can stand alone as a source of information and aid to successful prescribing ...  When the flu hits, this is a book that you will want in hand.  I wouldn’t be without it!”
Maria T. Bohle (Homeopathy Today)
Concerned virologists have been expecting the appearance of a virulent Influenza strain that may well rival the great 1918-1919 Spanish Flu epidemic which swept the globe in only a matter of months and left between 20 to 50 million people dead in one of the most horrific medical crisis to ever strike the earth. Since that dreadful pandemic, scientists at the Center for Disease Control, in cooperation with the World Health Organization and the Defense Department have been carefully monitoring both SARS and influenza in anticipation of mutated disease strains which would be capable-of causing a world-wide- epidemic equal to, or worse-than, the- infamous 1918 Spanish Flu.
The world barely missed just such a dreadful pandemic in 1997 when six people in Hong Kong died from a strain of deadly influenza which had somehow passed directly from chickens to humans; a situation thought impossible up to that time. The immediate destruction of millions of chickens prevented what virologists feared could have developed into a frightening world-wide influenza pandemic in the event that a single person happened to contract both the bird flu and a human strain of flu at the same time. Should this occur, the disease might then mutate into a new influenza epidemic strain to which humans have no natural immunity. In the face of such a threat, what can be done?

Since 1997 scientists have worked diligently to develop a vaccine for the so-called Bird Flu. However, since the bird flu has again appeared throughout Asia, the World Health Organization reports that "the search for a vaccine has been set back because the virus has mutated. The viral strain detected in Hong Kong in 1997 no longer can be used as the key to producing a vaccine." If modern medical technology has no answers, does homeopathy have a proven successful historical record of dealing withl such a world-wide emergency? Indeed it does!

Read how homeopathic doctors and hospitals the world over were able to successfully treat the deadly 1918 Spanish Flu when no other treatment was effective. There is absolutely no reason to doubt that it can do so again.

The 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic
As we near, what is hoped to be, the end of the current “Swine Flu” pandemic, we are left with the uncomfortable problematic predicament that we may not have seen the last of H1N1. Why is that? We know that the infamous Spanish Flu of 1918-1919 came in three waves. As explained on page 18 of The Homeopathic Treatment of Influenza, Surviving Influenza Epidemics and Pandemics Past, Present and Future with Homeopathy, “Ordinary influenza epidemics are more common during the cold winter months.
Therefore, even though the first wave of the disease began in the spring months of March, April and May of 1918, and produced an unanticipated higher than normal mortality rate, and even though in the back of their minds, doctors were aware that influenza pandemics were known to appear outside of the winter months, very little thought was given to this ominous sign.”
That is, until the second wave appeared. “The second and most lethal form of the disease struck in the late summer of 1918 and continued through the following fall and winter. It proved to be the most devastating influenza event in medical history. . . . During the six months of the second wave there was such an astonishing loss of life, one that was so great as to be unprecedented in 20th century medical history for any previous disease, that it seemed the whole world was dying. Hardly a household escaped the death of at least one family member and thousands of children were orphaned.”
“Just as the epidemic appeared to subside somewhat in the spring of 1919 and people began to feel that the worst was over, the Spanish Lady returned again in the winter of 1919 to finish her final death march. . . . .
After she had exacted her fury in what was the worst medical catastrophe of all time (50 to 100 million dead), she vanished from the face of the earth as mysteriously as she had come.”
In the ninety-one years since that unmatched Spanish Flu, virologists throughout the world have been carefully watching and preparing for the appearance of anything approaching the likes of such an influenza virus. I have chronicled the following major epidemics and pandemics in this book – the Asian Flu, 1957, the Hong Kong Flu, 1968, The Swine Flu, 1976 and the Bird Flu, 1997. While these were bad flu episodes (the CDC reports that 36,000 die each year of complications of influenza) they have not proved to be a match for the Spanish Flu.
What then are we to expect from the current 2009, H1N1 “Swine Flu”? While still quite active in many parts of the world, and despite the numerous deaths from complications, it does appear to be on the decline.
However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization are well aware of the Three Waves of Deadly Influenza Pandemics, and are currently working tirelessly to try and stay ahead of the probable return of H1N1 in perhaps a far deadlier second wave mutated form. We certainly cannot afford to become complacent. According to a recent Washing Post article, “Exactly how swine flu fits into the pantheon of flu pandemics won’t be known for a while. It will take months – and many more victims – for its full personality and behavior to emerge. This is a lot more than just seasonal flu out of season. Pandemic flu strains – and this new H1N1strain is all but certain to cause the 21st century’s first pandemic – are unpredictable. Any contagious disease that most of the world’s 6.8 billion people can
catch is inherently dangerous.”
It is very important, therefore, to understand that this book is not just a book concerning “Swine Flu.” It is not just a book concerning “Bird Flu.” It is not even just a homeopathic book on Influenza. It is a homeopathic book about how to protect and survive any upper respiratory viral infections, be it influenza, bronchitis, viral pneumonia and even the common viral cold. Why wait until panic grips the world with the appearance of any future flu “super bug.” Practice using the Quick Keynote Reference pages 135 - 233 & 408 - 415. Learn how now to spot the haracteristics of the most common flu remedies as they may also apply in lesser cases of viral infections, so that when you, or your family, are forced to deal with a truly dangerous influenza outbreak, you will be ready.

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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

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