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Peter L. Tumminello

Peter Tumminello is a homoeopathic practitioner who has long been active in homoeopathy in Sydney, Australia. He is a co-founder and the principal of the Sydney College of Homoeopathic Medicine. He is a practitioner of personal action believing that a homoeopath's process of taking medicines is the key to his own healing and that of his clients. His practice of homoeopathy focuses on its transformational powers and includes the use of a range of vibrational medicines.


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Books 1 to 6 (of 6)

Psyche and Structure

Crystals and minerals in homeopathy
400 pages, hb, product no. 21494
109.00 US$
52.90 US$
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Les pierres précieuses de l'homéopathie

Essence de diamant, saphir, émeraude et d'autres gemmes
Une étude de Quartz rose
152 pages, hb, product no. 14190
26.40 US$
5.50 US$
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Die sieben Kristallstrukturen in der Homöopathie

472 pages, hb, product no. 23497
84.90 US$
41.90 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

Twelve Jewels

492 pages, hb, product no. 02849

Edelsteine / Gemstones In Homeopathy - 11 CD's

11 CDs, CD, product no. 11334

Precious Gems in Homeopathy - 1 DVD

Peter Tumminello in an interview with Christina Ari, Kandern (Germany), June 2013
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 17136