Peter L. Tumminello
Peter Tumminello is a homoeopathic practitioner who has long been active in homoeopathy in Sydney, Australia. He is a co-founder and the principal of the Sydney College of Homoeopathic Medicine. He is a practitioner of personal action believing that a homoeopath's process of taking medicines is the key to his own healing and that of his clients. His practice of homoeopathy focuses on its transformational powers and includes the use of a range of vibrational medicines.
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Books 1 to 6 (of 6)
Les pierres précieuses de l'homéopathie
Essence de diamant, saphir, émeraude et d'autres gemmes
Une étude de Quartz rose
Une étude de Quartz rose
152 pages, hb, product no. 14190
Precious Gems in Homeopathy - 1 DVD
Peter Tumminello in an interview with Christina Ari, Kandern (Germany), June 2013
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 17136