Homeopathy and natural medicine
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Narayana Verlag (260) Homeoplant (87) Zeitschrift (68) Rosina Sonnenschmidt (59)

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Since founding our publishing house in 1980 there has always been a special place in our heart for homeopathy, which we have tested and refined in our practice from the very beginning. This treasure trove of 40 years’ experience is reflected in our broad range. In our selection you can find all the major homeopathy texts from early to modern works, including classics such as the sixth edition of Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon, key repertories and materia medicas, and descriptions of the methods used by leading homeopaths around the world, such as Jan Scholten, Michal Yakir, Rajan Sankaran, Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Heiner Frei and Massimo Mangialavori. With Homeoplant we also offer books and products covering plant homeopathy. Raw and unmedicated sucrose pillules and homeopathic accessories such as cases to store homeopathic remedies round off our range.

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Narayana Verlag (260) Homeoplant (87) Zeitschrift (68) Rosina Sonnenschmidt (59)

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Books 2041 to 2100 (of 2718)
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Homéopathie vétérinaire : de la théorie à la pratique/Jacques Millemann / Philippe Osdoit

Homéopathie vétérinaire : de la théorie à la pratique

Spasmophilie et homéopathie/Roland Boyer / Alain Horvilleur / Jean-Pierre Willem

Spasmophilie et homéopathie

Key-Notes Régionaux de la Matière Medicale/Eugene Beauharnais Nash

Key-Notes Régionaux de la Matière Medicale

Vertus des sels de Schussler/Félix Servranx / William Servranx

Vertus des sels de Schussler

Spektrum der Homöopathie 2014-1, Krebs - E-Book/Narayana Verlag

Spektrum der Homöopathie 2014-1, Krebs - E-Book

Spektrum der Homöopathie 2014-3, Problemkinder - E-Book/Narayana Verlag

Spektrum der Homöopathie 2014-3, Problemkinder - E-Book

Homeopathic Self-Care/Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman / Robert Ullman

Homeopathic Self-Care

Les maladies chroniques/Samuel Hahnemann

Les maladies chroniques

Élixirs de fleurs homéopathiques/Michel Dogna

Élixirs de fleurs homéopathiques

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life - E-Book/Narayana Verlag

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2011-2, Elements of Life - E-Book

Homoeopathy for trauma and disasters/Torako Yui

Homoeopathy for trauma and disasters

E-Book Set - Spektrum der Homöopathie - E-Book 2014/Narayana Verlag

E-Book Set - Spektrum der Homöopathie - E-Book 2014

Homéopathie, le guide visuel/Albert-Claude Quemoun

Homéopathie, le guide visuel

True Homoeopathy/Nicola Henriques

True Homoeopathy


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