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Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
product no.: 27637
EAN: 4251662102250

Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Polysacchariden - Reishi-Fruchtkörperextrakt aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
19.70 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
product no.: 27637
EAN: 4251662102250

90 Kapseln = 53 g

Bio Reishi Extrakt von Unimedica

Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten je Kapsel 500 mg Reishi-Fruchtkörperextrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Der Bio Reishi-Extrakt wird durch schonende Wasserextraktion gewonnen.

Der Reishi-Pilz hat eine lange Tradition in der TCM

Reishi (Botanisch: Ganoderma lucidum; Chinesisch: Ling Zhi) ist ein traditioneller Heilpilz in der chinesischen Volksmedizin (TCM). Vitalpilze sind in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin tief verankert und Reishi gilt dort seit jeher als Symbol für Glück und Unsterblichkeit. Der derbe Baumpilz wächst parasitär vorrangig an Laubbäumen und bevorzugt Eichen und Rotbuchen, ohne sie nennenswert zu schädigen. Sein von Harz bedeckter Fruchtkörper hat ihm hierzulande den Namen Glänzender Lackporling eingebracht.

Reishi zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Gehalt an Polysacchariden aus. Als Speisepilz ist er jedoch ungeeignet. Er ist zu hart und zu bitter. Daher wird er frisch oder getrocknet als Pulver oder Extrakt für Teeaufgüsse, als Nahrungsergänzung oder in der Kosmetik verwendet.

Jedes Braunglas Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem 1,5-Monats-Vorrat.

Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Konservierungsstoffen, Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.


19.70 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

certified organic

gluten free

lactose free

Without genetic technology



83.8 % organic reishi fruit body extract¹ (Ganoderma lucidum), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose²

¹ from certified organic cultivation    ² capsule shell

Produced in Germany
Raw material from a non-EU country

Important information: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Not suitable for children, pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 2 x 1 capsules daily with sufficient liquid (200 ml) one hour before meal.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Organic Reishi fruit body extract1000 ***
    of which polysaccharides 30 %300 mg ***


    * (2 capsules)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) No. 1169 / 2011 (LMIV)
    *** No nutrient reference values known


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    90 Kapseln = 53 g

    Bio Reishi Extrakt von Unimedica

    Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica enthalten je Kapsel 500 mg Reishi-Fruchtkörperextrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Der Bio Reishi-Extrakt wird durch schonende Wasserextraktion gewonnen.

    Der Reishi-Pilz hat eine lange Tradition in der TCM

    Reishi (Botanisch: Ganoderma lucidum; Chinesisch: Ling Zhi) ist ein traditioneller Heilpilz in der chinesischen Volksmedizin (TCM). Vitalpilze sind in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin tief verankert und Reishi gilt dort seit jeher als Symbol für Glück und Unsterblichkeit. Der derbe Baumpilz wächst parasitär vorrangig an Laubbäumen und bevorzugt Eichen und Rotbuchen, ohne sie nennenswert zu schädigen. Sein von Harz bedeckter Fruchtkörper hat ihm hierzulande den Namen Glänzender Lackporling eingebracht.

    Reishi zeichnet sich durch einen hohen Gehalt an Polysacchariden aus. Als Speisepilz ist er jedoch ungeeignet. Er ist zu hart und zu bitter. Daher wird er frisch oder getrocknet als Pulver oder Extrakt für Teeaufgüsse, als Nahrungsergänzung oder in der Kosmetik verwendet.

    Jedes Braunglas Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem 1,5-Monats-Vorrat.

    Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
    Bio Reishi Extrakt Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Konservierungsstoffen, Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.


    19.70 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

    Customers, that bought Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica also bought

    certified organic

    gluten free

    lactose free

    Without genetic technology



    83.8 % organic reishi fruit body extract¹ (Ganoderma lucidum), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose²

    ¹ from certified organic cultivation    ² capsule shell

    Produced in Germany
    Raw material from a non-EU country

    Important information: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake. Not suitable for children, pregnant women or nursing mothers.

    Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 2 x 1 capsules daily with sufficient liquid (200 ml) one hour before meal.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Organic Reishi fruit body extract1000 ***
    of which polysaccharides 30 %300 mg ***


    * (2 capsules)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) No. 1169 / 2011 (LMIV)
    *** No nutrient reference values known


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Bio Reishi Extrakt - 1000 mg pro Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) - Extrakt mit 30 % Polysacchariden - aus Wasserextraktion - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

    Information about our rating function

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    average customer rating:
    4,8 out of 5 Stars

    47 reviews (german), 3 reviews (french)

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    Anhängerin der Komplementär-Medizin

    4 years ago
    Significant remedy
    I was looking for a natural substance to treat my allergies, but also my skin problems caused by atopic dermatitis, including my dog's atopic dermatitis. I wanted something from nature without any serious side effects. So not a symptom treatment, but something causal. My research led me to reishi. For this I need a very good quality, which I have here. I had mild diarrhoea at the beginning, so I would recommend starting with a low dose.
    Of course, you need a little patience until you feel the results. I no longer had swollen eyes and mucous membranes in the morning, the itching was alleviated and the redness on my face disappeared. I was certainly also able to flush toxins out of my body with reishi. Reishi noticeably reduces the release of histamine. The immune system is strengthened and my sensitivity to house dust has diminished. I can easily mix one capsule a day into my dog's food. I also supplement it with unfiltered black cumin oil from Unimedica. His bald patches have grown back and he hardly scratches any more. His coat is shiny again and his symptoms have been alleviated. Reishi also works against bacteria and viruses and this aspect has certainly also led to success.
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Mija Stacher

    5 months ago
    Where does this mushroom come from? I assume China? What about heavy metals, has this also been tested? To be honest, I don't feel comfortable thinking about natural products from China...? Thank you for your feedback LG. M read more ...
    3 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Fischer, Hnas-Rudi
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Divine mushroom of immortality
    This is how Reishi is translated and for thousands of years it has been the medicinal mushroom that cures both mental and physical illnesses. The pharmaceutical industry is quicker, but it doesn't heal, it keeps the patient ill for as long as possible. This fungus needs time, which we all have, but often don't take. I do not suffer from any illness, I am healthy and yet I have decided to take Reishi as a prophylactic measure and am increasingly noticing that my zest for life and confidence have improved significantly.

    I would like to expressly thank all the employees of Narayana Verlag and the product manufacturers for remembering the old traditional values and helping many people to cope with their lives and to heal them. This is a great mission, which the company has taken on and fulfils with brilliance.
    I wish you all fresh and new ideas with a focus on tradition. There is still a lot to do and to recognise. Do not be discouraged. It will be rewarded.

    With my very best wishes for your health and creative joy, which I feel anew every day!

    Hans-Rudi Fischer
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Michaela E.
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Highly recommended for allergies!
    I have had hay fever every year for about 30 years, especially against grass pollen. Last winter I started taking this wonderful Reishi. And this year, for the first time, my hay fever was completely absent! I can walk past flowering meadows and enjoy them! No more runny nose, no more sneezing, not even a slight itch! My eyes no longer itch or water either! Nothing! Just great! Even one capsule a day in the morning was enough for me. I can only recommend Reishi for allergies! read more ...
    38 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Reishi mushroom
    The best remedy of all times, it's a pity that so little is known in Europe !!!! My flu and especially cough was gone from day to day!!! Above all you can sleep great and the best defence against all cold viruses !!! I have read a lot about it that not only helps with colds even with heart disease, with cancer suffering, with high blood pressure, with allergy should also help (perfect for me), with asthma and with many others ... practiced in China and Japan for 4000 years !!! who knows maybe could be the best remedy for all corona diseases ?!! read more ...
    34 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Reishi extract
    I originally stumbled across the "mushroom of eternal life" in a report and have been very enthusiastic about its positive properties ever since. I used to have severe house dust and pollen allergies and since taking it for 4 months I have noticed that this has improved a lot. I actually ordered reishi to improve the quality of my sleep. Here, too, I noticed a clear improvement after some time. The mushroom also contains many minerals such as
    iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and manganese. This mushroom is also a real helper for the immune system!
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    2 years ago
    King of the mushrooms
    I have just started a course of Reishi extract and am very excited about the effects. This medicinal mushroom is said to support the body in the following ways:
    To strengthen the immune system
    For tiredness and exhaustion
    To regulate the hormonal system
    For heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels
    To regulate blood sugar levels
    For skin diseases
    To relieve inflammation
    For frequent infections

    Possible side effects include: dry mouth/throat, indigestion, nosebleeds and skin rashes.
    So far (after 3 weeks of taking it) I have not noticed any negative side effects. I feel fitter, am less tired during the day and my skin problems (neurodermatitis) have improved!
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    29 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Krisztina W.
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Best Reishi capsules
    I have been using Reishi capsules against high blood pressure for years and am completely satisfied with the effect, they not only help with this, but also against allergies and help me to fall asleep more quickly (that's why I take them in the evening) I can only recommend them. read more ...
    27 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    10 months ago
    Extremely surprised
    From the first day of taking it, I no longer needed my asthma spray because of my spring pollen allergy. The constant urge to cough when speaking was 100% gone. I started with 2 capsules early in the morning, as I got a slight headache, I reduced it to one capsule in the morning and took another capsule in the afternoon if necessary. However, this was rarely necessary. read more ...
    25 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Elke Udersbach
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Very good product
    We are very satisfied, my husband, my dog and I! My dog is a bit incontinent, since he has been taking these tablets it has got much better. And we take it because it does us a lot of good. Highly recommended read more ...
    18 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Good experience so far
    Very good experience so far, good sleep... have also recommended it to others...
    Better mood, allergies seem to be reversed...
    read more ...
    16 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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