Homeopathy and natural medicine
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Christiane Maute®

Mrs Maute is a practitioner of alternative medicine. She studied classical homeopathy at the Clemens von Boenninghausen Academy in Wolfsburg with Yves Laborde and Dr. Wolfgang Mettler, and she continues to attend training courses to further her knowledge.
Christiane Maute works as a classical homeopath and was awarded the national certificate as a qualified practitioner of homeopathy. In her daily work, she treats people with both acute and chronic illnesses.
Approximately ten years ago, she by chance came across the idea of using classical homeopathy for diseased plants or as disease prevention – pest control. As plants are living beings, it seemed a logical conclusion to use homeopathy for plants. Her curiosity grew and she decided – together with her husband – to try and completely convert both her fruit and vegetable and her flower gardens to classical homeopathy.

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Books 1 to 14 (of 14)

Homeopathy for Plants - 6th revised edition of this classic

A practical guide for house, balcony and garden plants. Revised with the help of Cornelia Maute
224 pages, hb, product no. 24586
29.50 US$
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Homeopathie voor planten

Ee praktische leidraad voor kamer-, balkon en tuinplanten
224 pages, pb, product no. 21211
29.50 US$
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Homéopathie pour les plantes

Guide pratique pour le soin des plantes d'ornement, du potager et du verger
Édition enrichie
224 pages, hb, product no. 23467
29.50 US$
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Naturgesunde Pflanzen durch Homöopathie

Die Selbstheilungskräfte der Pflanzen wecken. Für alle Garten-, Balkon- und Zimmerpflanzen
144 pages, hb, product no. 30620
19.00 US$
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119.00 US$
104.00 US$
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Homöopathie für Rosen (Buch) und 14er Rosen Set (Mittel)

208 pages, hb, product no. 18460
77.90 US$
69.90 US$
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L'omeopatia per la cura delle piante

Manuale pratico per piante da appartamento, da terrazzo e da giardino
Indicazioni di dosaggio, di somministrazione, e scelta della potenza
con aggiornamenti e aggiunte di Cornelia Maute
208 pages, pb, product no. 19617
20.60 US$
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Homöopathie für Pflanzen und Rosen-Set

product no. 11747
51.90 US$
47.90 US$
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79.90 US$
72.90 US$
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Homöopathie für Rosen

Ein praktischer Leitfaden für die wichtigsten Erkrankungen und Schädlinge. Mit Rosenporträts, Hinweisen zur Dosierung und vielen Tipps rund um die Rose
208 pages, hb, product no. 13520
29.90 US$
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Set: Homöopathie für Pflanzen + Homöopathie für Rosen

432 pages, hb, product no. 14800
59.90 US$
52.90 US$
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Homöopathie für Rosen (Buch) und 40er Rosen-Set (Mittel)

208 pages, hb, product no. 18464
141.00 US$
130.00 US$
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Homöopathie für Pflanzen - Der Klassiker in der 16. Auflage

Der praktische Leitfaden für Zimmer-, Balkon- und Gartenpflanzen
Mit Ergänzungen von Cornelia Maute
244 pages, hb, product no. 19720
29.50 US$
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102.00 US$
97.90 US$
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