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Wenn Tiere ihren Körper verlassen

Sabine Arndt / Petra Kriegel

Buch: 168 pages, pb
publication: 2013
product no.: 17538
weight: 180g
ISBN: 978-3-8942-7626-3 9783894276263

Wenn Tiere ihren Körper verlassen

Sabine Arndt / Petra Kriegel

Sterbebegleitung für Tiere
12.60 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
Buch: 168 pages, pb
publication: 2013
product no.: 17538
weight: 180g
ISBN: 978-3-8942-7626-3 9783894276263

Der Herausgeber schreibt:

Der Tod eines geliebten Haustieres ist für viele Menschen ein häufig sehr schmerzhaftes Geschehen. Zum einen verlieren sie einen treuen Freund, zum anderen fehlt oft das Wissen, dass auch Haustiere eine Seele haben, die in einer anderen Welt weiterlebt. Die Tier-Heilpraktikerinnen Sabine Arndt & Petra Kriegel haben einen liebevollen und überaus einfühlsamen Wegbegleiter verfasst, um den Übergang der Tiere in die jenseitige Welt zu erleichtern – für das Tier und für den Menschen.

Dieser wertvolle Ratgeber schildert im Einzelnen die verschiedenen Sterbephasen und welche Hilfestellungen man den Tieren dabei jeweils geben kann. Dazu kommen hilfreiche Tipps und Rituale für diejenigen, die ein Tier während der Loslösung von seiner körperlichen Hülle begleiten. Ein segensreiches Buch, das auf wunderbare Weise Trost und Inspiration schenkt!

12.60 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

Der Herausgeber schreibt:

Der Tod eines geliebten Haustieres ist für viele Menschen ein häufig sehr schmerzhaftes Geschehen. Zum einen verlieren sie einen treuen Freund, zum anderen fehlt oft das Wissen, dass auch Haustiere eine Seele haben, die in einer anderen Welt weiterlebt. Die Tier-Heilpraktikerinnen Sabine Arndt & Petra Kriegel haben einen liebevollen und überaus einfühlsamen Wegbegleiter verfasst, um den Übergang der Tiere in die jenseitige Welt zu erleichtern – für das Tier und für den Menschen.

Dieser wertvolle Ratgeber schildert im Einzelnen die verschiedenen Sterbephasen und welche Hilfestellungen man den Tieren dabei jeweils geben kann. Dazu kommen hilfreiche Tipps und Rituale für diejenigen, die ein Tier während der Loslösung von seiner körperlichen Hülle begleiten. Ein segensreiches Buch, das auf wunderbare Weise Trost und Inspiration schenkt!

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12.60 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

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verified purchase
8 years ago
Animals also have their own mission in life
I knew that animals support their humans in many ways. But it is also important to realise that animals have their own mission in life. And that they help and heal certain people time and again. This book also shows that we humans can support and help our animals throughout their journey, including the dying process. I would like to say THANK YOU to both authors for this valuable book, which has made me even more mindful of my fellow creatures and which will not let me fall into a sad hole one day. read more ...
13 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Bärbel Löchelt
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3 years ago
A very helpful book
I like to give this book as a gift to my customers whose animals are in their dying phase or have already passed away. The owners always find it very helpful to get a different perspective on the subject.

Bärbel Löchelt
Veterinary practitioner
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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A. Zingraf-Döring
verified purchase
3 years ago
Finding comfort and understanding
This book spoke to me from the heart and helped me to better understand the dying process of my breeding bitch from the animal welfare organisation. I only read this book after my dog had died. I had learnt about the process of caring for a dying dog from other sources, but the content was along the same lines. This book gave me more guidance and showed me that I had done a lot of things right. That comforted me. A book for anyone who wants to give the natural dying process of their pet and companion a deserved chance. The end-of-life care was a hard but enriching time and despite everything, it was the right decision for us. Our dog was allowed to go in our home in a self-determined way and without an injection. Read this book in preparation and you will be in good hands. read more ...
9 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Bärbel von der See
verified purchase
5 years ago
Very helpful !
My lovely cat Conny, who I have been looking after since January *she is from the cat club* where I work as a volunteer, has had a recurrence of skin cancer on her ear....She has already had two operations and we don't want to put her through a third, because after every operation, with this type of cancer, the tumour comes back all the faster and more aggressively, I want to give her as good a time as I can, she has never had a real home, I have taken her very much to my heart, so it is all very sad for me...the book has helped me to see things from a different perspective. read more ...
7 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Susanne Fürster
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8 years ago
Very helpful
Really a small consolation that helps you through this difficult time to do the right thing in such moments! read more ...
6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Ingrid Wlcek
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4 years ago
A very important book
I have an old dog that I will soon have to say goodbye to. It is important to me to follow my dog's wishes, and although I have learnt animal communication, I am unsure whether I can do this with my own dog under stress.
This book was very helpful for me. I feel more confident after reading it.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
My dog had to go, this book helped me a bit further......
It is very well and interestingly written
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Very sensitive
Very touching book if you have just lost or lost an animal. Very helpful read more ...
4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
When animals leave their bodies
Everyone who looks after animals should familiarise themselves with the contents of this booklet in the interests of their charges. It is very informative and sensitively written. Many thanks to the authors. read more ...
4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
Super written
The book is great even when the tears came it is so well written and heartwarming. I can experience the process better now.
Thank you 👍
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3 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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