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Jörg Wichmann

Jörg Wichmann (1958-2020)

Already in the 90’s Jörg Wichmann published the "The Natural System of Remedies", which was a pioneer work for systematic study of homeopathic classifications including kingdom, family and different names. This knowledge went into the monumental website www.provings.info which is unparalleled worldwide.

Jörg Wichmann lived with his family in the countryside near Cologne, Germany, where he ran his homeopathic practice and taught in the Bergischen School of Homeopathy (SHZ-certified). He was Co-founder of the Foundation Homeopathy Certificate (SHZ).

Publications: "The Natural System of Remedies", Fagus-Verlag 1997, 2006. "The other reality of homeopathy - healing between alchemy, science and shamanism", Verlag Neue Erde 2002. "Lisa and the mystery of white balls - a story about homeopathy for children ", Naryana Verlag 2011. "The path of homeopathy - a modern healing method between alchemy, shamanism and science", Fagus-Verlag 2019.

Jörg Wichmann's main online projects were: the Internet database for homeopathic classification, naming, provings: www.provings.info his blog: homeopathy and the world and the web platform FreeWiki.eu - the other perspective

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Lisa und das Geheimnis der weißen Kugeln

Eine Geschichte für Kinder über Homöopathie
56 pages, hb, product no. 10002
10.90 US$
7.70 US$
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