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2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
product no.: 30519
EAN: 4251662106036

2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Rotklee, Baldrian, Eisen, Mönchspfeffer, Folsäure, Vitamin B6 und B12
40.90 US$
36.90 US$
9,8% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
product no.: 30519
EAN: 4251662106036

2 x 1 Braunglas = 90 Kapseln

Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica

Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica wurden entwickelt, um den Übergang in die reiferen Jahre auf natürliche Weise zu begleiten und sanft zu unterstützen. Sie enthalten Vitamin B6, welches zur Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit beiträgt.

Eine Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) deckt den empfohlenen Tagesbedarf an Eisen zu 70 %, an Vitamin B6 und Folat (Folsäure bzw. Vitamin B9) zu je 100 % und an Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) sogar zu 10.000 %. Dabei liegt das Folat in seiner aktiven Form vor.

Eisen, Vitamin B6 und B12 unterstützen das Immunsystem und die Blutbildung und reduzieren Müdigkeit und Ermüdungserscheinungen. Diese Nährstoffe sind außerdem an der Zellteilung beteiligt (Eisen, Folat, B12) und unterstützen den Energiestoffwechsel (Eisen, B6, B12) sowie weitere wichtige Körperfunktionen.

Eine Auswahl spezifischer Pflanzenextrakte ergänzt die Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica mit ihren wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen.

Die Yamswurzel ist in den Tropen beheimatet. Die Pflanzen bilden bis zu 2 Meter lange Wurzeln aus. Einige der 800 Arten der Yamswurzelgewächse werden als Nahrung angebaut. Ihr Geschmack erinnert an Kartoffeln und Esskastanien. Yamswurzeln enthalten neben anderen wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen Diosgenin, eine Vorstufe des natürlichen Hormons Progesteron. Dieses Hormon wird in den Wechseljahren vom weiblichen Körper immer weniger gebildet.

Nachtkerzenöl enthält die hochwertige Omega-6-Fettsäure Gamma-Linolensäure. Die Nachtkerze mit ihren leuchtend gelben Blüten stammt ursprünglich aus Nordamerika und ist inzwischen auch hier in Europa weit verbreitet.

Rotklee breitet sich hierzulande gern auf Wiesen und Feldern aus. Er enthält verschiedene Isoflavone, die zu den Phytoöstrogenen zählen.

Baldrian wurde u. a. von Paracelsus und Hildegard von Bingen sehr geschätzt. Die krautige, bis zu 2 Meter hohe Pflanze gehört zu den Geißblattgewächsen und wird heute vorrangig in Europa, Japan und den USA angebaut.

Mönchspfeffer ist ein hochwachsender Strauch aus dem Mittelmeerraum und Südwestasien. Seine rot-schwarzen Früchte ähneln Pfefferkörnern und wurden im Mittelalter in Klöstern als Pfefferersatz zum Würzen verwendet. Daher stammt wohl auch der Name.


Eisen trägt bei zu:

  • einer normalen kognitiven Funktion
  • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
  • einer normalen Bildung von roten Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin
  • einem normalen Sauerstofftransport im Körper
  • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
  • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
  • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

Vitamin B6 trägt bei zu:

  • einer normalen Cystein-Synthese
  • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
  • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems
  • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
  • einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glycogenstoffwechsel
  • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
  • einer normalen Bildung roter Blutkörperchen
  • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
  • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
  • Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit

Folat (Folsäure bzw. Vitamin B9) trägt bei zu:

  • einer normalen Aminosäuresynthese
  • einer normalen Blutbildung
  • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
  • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
  • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
  • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
  • Wachstum des mütterlichen Gewebes während der Schwangerschaft  
  • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) trägt bei zu:

  • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
  • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems
  • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
  • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
  • einer normalen Bildung roter Blutkörperchen
  • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
  • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
  • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

* Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben

Jedes Glas Menopower* Kapseln von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem 1,5-Monats-Vorrat.

Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Konservierungsstoffen, Trennmitteln wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.



40.90 US$
36.90 US$
9,8% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

gluten free

lactose free

Without genetic technology



Yam root extract, evening primrose oil powder, red clover extract, capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, valerian extract, iron bisglycinate, monk's pepper extract, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, methylcobalamin

Important notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily intake must not be exceeded.

Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 2 x 1 capsule daily with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of the reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Chaste tree extract10 ***
    Valerian extract100 ***
    Red clover extract340 ***
    of which isoflavones27,2 ***
    Yam extract500 ***
    of which diosgenin100 ***
    Vitamin B12250 µg 10000 %
    Vitamin B61,4 100
    Eisen10 mg70%


    * (2 capsules)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.
    Active folate200 100
    Evening primrose oil powder400 ***


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    2 x 1 Braunglas = 90 Kapseln

    Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica

    Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica wurden entwickelt, um den Übergang in die reiferen Jahre auf natürliche Weise zu begleiten und sanft zu unterstützen. Sie enthalten Vitamin B6, welches zur Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit beiträgt.

    Eine Tagesdosis (2 Kapseln) deckt den empfohlenen Tagesbedarf an Eisen zu 70 %, an Vitamin B6 und Folat (Folsäure bzw. Vitamin B9) zu je 100 % und an Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) sogar zu 10.000 %. Dabei liegt das Folat in seiner aktiven Form vor.

    Eisen, Vitamin B6 und B12 unterstützen das Immunsystem und die Blutbildung und reduzieren Müdigkeit und Ermüdungserscheinungen. Diese Nährstoffe sind außerdem an der Zellteilung beteiligt (Eisen, Folat, B12) und unterstützen den Energiestoffwechsel (Eisen, B6, B12) sowie weitere wichtige Körperfunktionen.

    Eine Auswahl spezifischer Pflanzenextrakte ergänzt die Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica mit ihren wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen.

    Die Yamswurzel ist in den Tropen beheimatet. Die Pflanzen bilden bis zu 2 Meter lange Wurzeln aus. Einige der 800 Arten der Yamswurzelgewächse werden als Nahrung angebaut. Ihr Geschmack erinnert an Kartoffeln und Esskastanien. Yamswurzeln enthalten neben anderen wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen Diosgenin, eine Vorstufe des natürlichen Hormons Progesteron. Dieses Hormon wird in den Wechseljahren vom weiblichen Körper immer weniger gebildet.

    Nachtkerzenöl enthält die hochwertige Omega-6-Fettsäure Gamma-Linolensäure. Die Nachtkerze mit ihren leuchtend gelben Blüten stammt ursprünglich aus Nordamerika und ist inzwischen auch hier in Europa weit verbreitet.

    Rotklee breitet sich hierzulande gern auf Wiesen und Feldern aus. Er enthält verschiedene Isoflavone, die zu den Phytoöstrogenen zählen.

    Baldrian wurde u. a. von Paracelsus und Hildegard von Bingen sehr geschätzt. Die krautige, bis zu 2 Meter hohe Pflanze gehört zu den Geißblattgewächsen und wird heute vorrangig in Europa, Japan und den USA angebaut.

    Mönchspfeffer ist ein hochwachsender Strauch aus dem Mittelmeerraum und Südwestasien. Seine rot-schwarzen Früchte ähneln Pfefferkörnern und wurden im Mittelalter in Klöstern als Pfefferersatz zum Würzen verwendet. Daher stammt wohl auch der Name.


    Eisen trägt bei zu:

    • einer normalen kognitiven Funktion
    • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
    • einer normalen Bildung von roten Blutkörperchen und Hämoglobin
    • einem normalen Sauerstofftransport im Körper
    • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
    • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
    • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

    Vitamin B6 trägt bei zu:

    • einer normalen Cystein-Synthese
    • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
    • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems
    • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
    • einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glycogenstoffwechsel
    • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
    • einer normalen Bildung roter Blutkörperchen
    • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
    • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
    • Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit

    Folat (Folsäure bzw. Vitamin B9) trägt bei zu:

    • einer normalen Aminosäuresynthese
    • einer normalen Blutbildung
    • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
    • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
    • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
    • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
    • Wachstum des mütterlichen Gewebes während der Schwangerschaft  
    • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) trägt bei zu:

    • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel
    • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems
    • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel
    • einer normalen psychischen Funktion
    • einer normalen Bildung roter Blutkörperchen
    • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems
    • Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung
    • und hat eine Funktion bei der Zellteilung

    * Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben

    Jedes Glas Menopower* Kapseln von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem 1,5-Monats-Vorrat.

    Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
    Menopower Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Konservierungsstoffen, Trennmitteln wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.



    40.90 US$
    36.90 US$
    9,8% cheaper
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

    Customers, that bought 2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica also bought

    gluten free

    lactose free

    Without genetic technology



    Yam root extract, evening primrose oil powder, red clover extract, capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, valerian extract, iron bisglycinate, monk's pepper extract, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, methylcobalamin

    Important notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily intake must not be exceeded.

    Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 2 x 1 capsule daily with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of the reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Chaste tree extract10 ***
    Valerian extract100 ***
    Red clover extract340 ***
    of which isoflavones27,2 ***
    Yam extract500 ***
    of which diosgenin100 ***
    Vitamin B12250 µg 10000 %
    Vitamin B61,4 100
    Eisen10 mg70%


    * (2 capsules)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.
    Active folate200 100
    Evening primrose oil powder400 ***


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of 2er-Sparset: Menopower* - u. a. mit Yamswurzel, Nachtkerzenöl, Eisen und B-Vitaminen - 2 x 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    158 reviews (german), 1 review (english), 1 review (french)

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    Ü 50

    3 years ago
    Selected and balanced active ingredients without chemicals
    As I suffer from typical menopausal symptoms, I was looking for a preparation without chemicals and hormones. I also didn't want to have an aggressive influence on my hormone balance. I had intermittent hot flushes during the day and I kept waking up at night during sleep because of night sweats, which put a lot of psychological strain on me. Then, of course, I was tired and cheerless during the day. I then came across this product from Unimedica, which appealed to me because of its natural ingredients. I felt better surprisingly quickly because I slept much better, my sweating was also greatly reduced, I am more balanced and no longer so easily irritated, I also have better digestion and my skin has become much firmer.
    Menopower has made me more relaxed and I'm in a much better mood. 🌞
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    281 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    10 months ago
    A complete success
    I waited a couple of weeks before evaluating it. I was extremely tired the first week I took it. But already very satisfied. Breast tenderness and water retention gone after 4 days (a dream when the bras fit again after 2 years). Digestive problems have disappeared (I had bloating after even the tiniest meal). Cycle back to 28 days instead of 16 and so far not a single migraine!!! The swelling in my fingers is gone, no more palpitations at night and I am totally grateful. I could have spared myself 4 years of suffering, but I didn't realise it could be so easy. For me, it has actually brought about a kind of "miracle cure" read more ...
    83 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    7 months ago
    I've only been taking it for four days now 🍀👍🍀I've been suffering a lot from hot flushes 🙈🙈🙈🙈 today I'm already feeling much better one day so far toi toi toi hopefully it will soon go away completely 👍I'm just tired from it I hope it goes away with time read more ...
    6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    5 months ago
    It also made me very tired. Must be the valerian. I also had headaches and brain fog at times, which could possibly be due to the red clover. I can only speculate. I am now taking a preparation without these two substances and tolerate it better. But first have to see if it helps. read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    4 months ago
    Normality at last
    I have been struggling with heatwaves during the day and at night for a very long time. I also have insomnia, from 2.30am-3am the night is over. The heatwaves during the day have been very stressful for me, as I work very close to people and have had to interrupt my work as a result. I took oestrogen preparations transdermally, which I couldn't tolerate because I had joint pain and also water retention, i.e. weight gain. I also tried many powders that were supposed to provide relief, but they didn't work. After I stopped taking oestrogen, I gave in and thought I would just have to live with it until a patient told me about red clover in relation to my period. I took the capsules for a week and immediately noticed a change. the water finally went out of my body, my digestion improved, my sleep came back, I was finally able to sleep through the night again. and the best thing of all, the heat waves have become less and I haven't had any since. I've really given up hope and I'm totally thrilled, I can really recommend the capsules, they are my relief and I'm glad to have my normality back. I am well rested, resilient, cognitively much better, this has so many effects and I am deeply indebted to the naryana publishing house. thank you! read more ...
    66 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Mirjam L.
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    I’m impressed!
    I’m almost 50 and have been battling menopausal symptoms in the last few months with unsettled sleep and night sweats, which has had a bad effect on sleep. For the last 1 to 2 weeks I have been taking (only) one capsule of meno power in the evening and I’m impressed! After just a couple of days taking it I felt a noticeable improvement in the night sweats. The last few nights I didn’t have any complaints and felt like I slept right through the night, without any sweating and waking periods. I hope this improvement continues.
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    64 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    C. Müller
    verified purchase
    9 months ago
    Prima Remedies
    Since taking Menopower (2 capsules daily), my extremely heavy bleeding during the menopause has been greatly reduced. No more dizziness and no more circulatory problems, which I always had due to the heavy loss of blood. The mucous membrane no longer builds up so much due to the diosgenin. I am really delighted.
    The headaches and breast tenderness before my period have also completely disappeared.
    Unfortunately, gynaecologists know nothing about these purely herbal and natural products and only prescribe hormone replacement tablets with the usual side effects and risks such as thrombosis or cancer.

    I also had severe pain in my shoulder blade for at least 3 years, especially before my period, which spread to my arm and wrist. No doctor or physiotherapist could determine where this pain was coming from. As a result, I often had to take painkillers. Then I did some research myself and found out that joint pain during the menopause is often caused by a lack of progesterone.
    After taking Menopower (approx. 3 weeks, 2 capsules daily), the pain in my shoulder blade and arm disappeared.
    This increases my quality of life enormously! I also feel much fitter and healthier.
    Many, many thanks to Unimedica for this ingenious combination of various plant substances and vitamins.
    I will continue to buy this "miracle cure" from Narayana-Verlag.
    read more ...
    58 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    7 months ago
    That's interesting to hear. I'm also going through the menopause and have the usual side effects. But I've also had the pain in my jaw, neck, shoulder blade and left arm for 9 months. No-one has been able to help me or tell me where it's coming from. I will try the tablets. Best regards read more ...
    5 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 months ago
    I didn't put the pain in my shoulder down to the menopause either. It was only when I read the comments that I thought - wait a minute, that's just like me! I have now been taking the capsules for 3 weeks and the pain in my shoulder (which radiated into my arm, especially at night!) has almost completely disappeared. I also take yam capsules before going to bed. I notice that I fall asleep more quickly and have a more peaceful sleep without waking up several times during the night. Unfortunately, the constant bleeding has not yet disappeared. But maybe that just needs more time. Thank you for all the experiences shared here. read more ...
    6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    I am thrilled...!
    In my mid-40s, I have been struggling for about 3 years with night sweats, sleep disorders (long nights lying awake), tense breasts and phases in which I almost had depressive moods with crying fits. I have been taking MenoPower for about 2 months now after trying many homeopathic products and I have to say "it really helps". I don't really have any sleep disorders any more, the very extreme sweating at night has been reduced to light sweating on far fewer days, I hardly have any pain in my breasts any more and my mood has improved a lot. I can really recommend this product to all women who are struggling with the menopause and its many unpleasant side effects. read more ...
    56 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Antonella Strada
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    The product regulates the most severe symptoms. Only the recommended dosage is too low.
    I need four capsules a day so that I can alleviate these typical perimenopausal synptoms.
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    37 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Caution! But you have to be careful with high doses! I once took too much vitamin B12 for a few weeks (as a lozenge). As this preparation contains a lot of B12, it can't really be a permanent solution. After a few weeks, the B12 gave me severe acne and I looked like a pubescent 13-year-old. Then it might be better to take this preparation as prescribed and add a capsule of yam root. For many women in the menopause, yams help if you can't sleep through the night... read more ...
    39 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    9 months ago
    Hi Kathrin, if you are reading this, how did you come up with the issue of skin problems and B12? Have you taken nothing else apart from B12? I'm slowly getting desperate after all sorts of searches as to what it could be, as redness and pimples are spreading between my eyebrows, lower forehead to the centre. A little on my nose and cheeks too. A spring greeting and many thanks for your advice read more ...
    5 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    3 years ago
    Many side effects have gone
    Since I started taking menopower, many of my menopausal complaints have gone! I had a strong feeling of being unwell with headaches and palpitations. With hot flushes I also had some slight problems. All these problems have now disappeared. Since I started taking them, I feel ALL-ROUND WELL! I’ve just ordered a supply of 3 bottles!
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    36 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    5 months ago
    Get back to sleep
    Great! Just wanted to try it out. I've been taking it for about 3 weeks. Was really sceptical. 2 capsules at lunchtime. I've been sleeping almost through the night again for about 1 week. The 3 hours of sleep became 7-8 hours again. Yes, of course with small interruptions. But I no longer toss and turn for hours on end. I will definitely continue to take it. I can absolutely recommend it. read more ...
    35 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    I have been using the product for 12 weeks. Of course, 'women' initially hope for an absolute miracle effect and the disappearance of all menopausal symptoms. Naturally, this didn't happen for me, but I didn't expect it either. However, I have the feeling that many things have simply 'stabilised' or simply become less severe. Instead of full-blown hot flushes, I only notice that I get hot from time to time, but this is bearable. Days when I would have preferred to cry all the time or panic over little things now just feel like days when I might not be in such a good 'mood'. One of my most serious problems, namely regularly painful breasts during my cycle, has completely disappeared since taking Meno-Power. All in all, I can really recommend Meno-Power for support during the menopause. read more ...
    35 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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