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Interhomeopathy - Manganum, Samarium oxydatum case
2006 September

Manganum, Samarium oxydatum case

by Anne-Marie van Raaij-Schouten
Case woman 70 years:

In May 2005 this woman came to me complaining about pains in her knees. She sings in a choir and during the final rehearsal and the concert itself, she had to stand for a long time which caused a lot of pain. The orthopaedic diagnosis ten years ago was arthritis, for which she was given artrotec. She used to have a lot of medicine, but she stopped taking it about seven years ago and started with physiotherapy and exercises. The pain has now returned and aggravated even more because of standing too long It became necessary to take anodynes again which she frequently takes at the moment, but which also causes complaints of the stomach for which she has other medicines.
In 1968 she had a car accident whereby the left collum femoris was smashed and the pelvis was broken in four places. With traction and physiotherapy it has healed well, although the pain stayed for a long time fortunately now it has completely gone. It is especially the left knee, which is so painful after standing and much walking. Dampness and coldness aggravate it. Sun and warmth ameliorate it. On rising or after sitting she can only stumble somewhat, but after a while movement does ameliorate.
On doing needlework she quickly gets pain in the joints of the hands, which she calls “wear”.
She has the feeling of having been fighting her whole life. She is used to solving problems with willpower. Now she is tired of seventy years of struggling.
She is the oldest child in a family of three children. She has two younger brothers, of which the youngest one is handicapped. She felt the need to try and keep her mother happy because her mother had the feeling that everyone was against her. They didn’t use to talk much at home. She would escape by reading her books because with everything she did, her mother was faultfinding.
At the age of nine years she had diphtheria with a high fever. This has left a slight murmur in the heart.
After every examination (academic) she has had a throat infection and this has remained her weak spot when she is tired.
Nowadays she is slightly deaf; wind causes pain in both ears, for which she wears a cap.
She has myopia.
Every morning she starts the day by doing respiratory exercises through which she feels more centred.
Nearby the heart she feels an oppression that goes inwards.
She likes salty food, meat and cooked vegetables, but has an aversion to mussels or oysters. She needs to eat in time.
As a child she was constipated, but that has stopped.
Every month she was depressed during menstruation.
She has had several bone fractures during her lifetime; the clavicle (four years old); the tarsal bone (a few years ago); and the elbow.

She attended a grammar school and was university-taught. She has been working for a long time with groups, teaching communication and leadership.
In this work and in her daily life she was always afraid of not being good enough. She does not want to accept the limitations of life, she want to live optimally. She always searches what is bothering her in order to learn how to handle it herself.
She has been married for 45 years and has three children and six grandchildren.
She takes glucosamine every day.

First medication: Manganum mur. MK (21 may 2005)
After the medication she immediately had more energy. The third and fourth day the pain in her knee had aggravated. After that there was an improvement and the seventh day an aggravation of the pain again. The feeling of a whole slump had disappeared. In the second part of the night she wakes frequently from a cramp in the left calf. Standing for a while on the cold floor ameliorates.
She tells now about being vulnerable and hurt quickly, for instance when she wants to go into depth in her study group and the other members don’t want that. Then she has the feeling of having to adapt herself and of not being able to be herself.

After three weeks again Mang.mur. MK (11 June 2005)
One week after this medication there is a sharp pain in the knee, which ameliorates in the days there after. At the end of June she stops taking painkillers. Four weeks later the pain returns a little. She stumbles on rising from a seat and has to move on. There is still an aggravation from dampness.

A repeat of Mang. mur. MK on 11 July, 29 July, 29 August, 11 September and 14 October.
She is now able to walk more than an hour without too much pain, but irregular underground aggravates and she wants to do things in her own tempo, which is not too quick. Dampness still aggravates. The arms are much better.
In every group, either study or conversation, she has the inclination to fullfill the stimulating role, but she feels that she does not any longer want to do so.She is easier and can let things happen as they come.

In November no further amelioration seems to come. She has throat pain and a cough. Her knee will only become swollen when forcing it, but rubbing ameliorates. Numbness and coldness keep on aggravating her complaints. Then I went searching for another Manganum.

Manganum sulfuricum MK 14 November and 5 December.
Afterwards she gets influenza and the cough does not ameliorate, but stayed worse. In the choir she has to sit. She wants to do several things, but even from the smallest things she gets extremely tired. I am wondering what was going on, what can be the cause of these changes? End of January her head feels still full of coryza and she has to sneeze frequently. On exertion she becomes very warm and tired, she feels exhausted. There is vertigo too. She has to cry from her misery. She is short of breath and wants to sit quiet or to lie down. There is no amelioration. She sleeps well. There is still thirst in the night.

On 9 and 31 January she gets Samarium oxyd.M.
After this medication she has more energy, but the shortness of breath and the coryza stay. The medication works only for a short time.

Then she tells that she has had the flu vaccination on 26 October 2005. .
At the beginning of March she gets poly-influenzinum 30, 200, M and 10MK with intervals of a few days. After this medication she feels more optimistic and has more energy. The vertigo has diminished and on going up and down the stairs the shortness of breath has diminished. For eight years now she goes to a fitness centre and there she perceives that her energy has increased. There is still pain in the knees after walking for an hour, but sitting for a while ameliorates so much so that she can do everything in the household and that the knees feel good again.

The 20 March 2006 she gets again Samarium oxyd. MK, after which she feels gradually much better.

18 April the vertigo has gone and the blood pressure has normalised. During singing in the choir she still needs to sit. On going up two stairs there is still some shortness of breath. She will go on a sightseeing holiday to Greece so she asks for a repeat of the remedy.

In Greece she could walk amazingly well, she could join almost everything.
Again at home the numbness bothers still somewhat. In the choir she is able to stand a whole hour and on going up two stairs she has no longer shortness of breath. Her study room is on the second floor, but she does not dread having to go downstairs for a drink. She can accept things easier the way they come and has become more relaxed.


Keynotes for Manganum are: always eager to learn, helpful, ears that are sensitive to wind, ailments of the knees, a drive to get on in life.
The muriaticum part has to do with the relationship with her mother (always wanting to help her) and being depressed before the menses. After taking Manganum mur. MK she immediately felt a lot better and after a number of medications of Manganum mur. MK she said, that the feeling of being under pressure that she had to do so much, had also disappeared.
After several medications of Mang.mur MK there was no further amelioration.
Manganum sulfuricum hardly did anything.
In the mean time I had been following the seminar about the Lanthanides and I was also reading the book about them. So I decided to take a closer look at these Lanthanides.
This woman with arthritis (auto-immune) is since her youth self-relying, self-sufficient and worked hard for autonomy, which fits in with the Lanthanides.
Manganum is, in the Periodic System, in stage 7; with the Lanthanides this is Promethium. This remedy did not fit the patient, but the remedy of stage 8 fitted her story exactly, especially about life being one big struggle and being tired from fighting and struggling all her life. She wants to do well and to help everybody. This is the Samarium part.
There also is the feeling of not being good enough and the history of being neglected as a child, which is the oxydatum part.
Samarium oxydatum ameliorated, although for a short time, during the influenza. That was when I did not know about the vaccination. After the serie of Poly-influenzinum (30, 200, M, 10M) the remedy Samarium oxydatum could bring further cure. It is now July 2006 and she is still going well and feeling even happier with Samarium oxydatum.

Anne-Marie van Raaij-Schouten  Klassiek Homeopaat

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Manganum, Samarium oxydatum, arthritis, neglect, struggle


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Ali Ashraf
Posts: 5
Reply #1 on : Sun August 02, 2015, 10:41:19
Dear Anne-Marie,hi
Interesting case,I wonder if you had given her Manganum in ascending order of potencies it might have helped her better,and switching to more rare remedy what was your considerations,how is the patient now,thanks Ali