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Interhomeopathy - Lac Suillinum: a case of west syndrom and tetraplegia
2006 December

Lac Suillinum: a case of west syndrom and tetraplegia

by Dr. Ulrich Welte
The case is quite simple. The remedy was found by 3 main issues and without the use of a repertory:
1. The general themes of the milk remedies according to Mangialavori and Kees Dam;
2. The miasm or stage according to Jan Scholten’s staging of elements;
3. Two characteristic symptoms for confirmation, one being a part of the main milk issues: horribly offensive smell like in a pigpen; aversion + agg by milk.

She is a four-year-old gypsy girl. Her mother was an alcoholic, who lived with her husband in a camp in northern Italy. The family was expelled from Macedonia during the Balcan war. During the war all their children died or were killed. The mother became pregnant again during this heavy period. She then gave birth to the girl after they had fled from Macedonia and lived in the Italian camp. They abandoned this child some time after birth because she was paraplegic in all extremities and had epilepsy. Her disease was later diagnosed in an Italian neurologic hospital as West syndrome, a form of epilepsy which is difficult to treat . The little girl got a foster mother from the social welfare, but this woman also rejected her after some time because of the stench she emitted. Nobody wanted to bear with this little one, but then fate had mercy and sent her some good luck. A loving strong German woman took her in her own family. After some months she brought her for consultation.
She is a pretty girl with coal-black hair and eyes. She can just crawl a little on her elbows, limply dragging her legs. She has strabismus and when she does not fix her gaze her eyes are rolling completely uncoordinated, quite like the balls in a lottery pot. It looks ghastly. An offensive stench soon fills the room. It smells like a mixture of sewage water and pig stable. But in contrast to her repulsive condition, the girl was actually quite pretty. Her mother says that the stool stinks even worse, and that she was always severely constipated, perhaps one stool a week. She sometimes eats sand, stones, hair, paper and threads of cloth. She has a strong aversion against milk and cannot digest it. She is moody and has mood swings which can turn from high to low and vice versa every 10 minutes. Her mother says that she likes yellow, but it was not possible to assess her color preference properly.

Analysis and follow-up
In the very first months of her life, she was rejected and abandoned. This is a main theme of milk remedies. She dislikes milk and cannot digest it. Another milk theme. The rapid alternation of moods can also indicate a milk remedy. There was violence during pregnancy, she was an outcast after birth, rejected and shunned by everyone. Even the first foster-mother expelled her. This is stage 17 or the syphilitic miasm. Put together it is suggestive of lac suilinum. This idea is confirmed by her offensive smell, which reminds one of a pigpen.
She got Lac-suilinum MK, one dose per month.
From this very day she makes constant progress. The day after the first dose she had stools, constipation subsided and there were regular stools every day. During 3 weeks the stench of her stool and her body lessened and became almost normal. She began to sing. Her strabismus improved. She talks more, and the ability to move made a big step forward already during these first 3 weeks, even before taking the second dose. Formerly she was extremely moody. Now she is happy all the time and no more mood swings. One year has passed. She goes to a normal kindergarten, is accepted by her friends and can take up social contacts. She can move her arms normally. Her legs are still weak and she can stand only with the help of another person. During her consultation she repeatedly tries to pull herself up by the door-handle. The eyes have stopped rolling, her strabismus is gone. No more epileptic seizures. When she is alone she is more self-supporting, but in the presence of her mother she tries to attract help and pretends not to be able to do things. It feels like the attitude of a beggar and she tries to use her handicap in order to get pity and support. She still eats indigestible things when she feels unobserved. For example she eats the dry corn herself instead of feeding it to the chicken as she is supposed to.

Lacs (general themes of milk remedies)
• Ailments from abuse in early childhood, especially during the nursing period, and bad trouble with parents or a sibling (Mangialavori).
• Dependency; they demand care - DD muriaticum, Carbon-Series.
• “Nursing” (milk is primary nourishment in mammals)
o problems in breastfeeding; breastfeeding was avoided or impossible; mastitis; child wants to be breastfed and rejects all other food.
o unsatisfied desires of being cared for.
o oral “ersatz”-enjoyments: pacifier, lollipop, sucking the thumb etc.
o Mamma: mastitis, ailments of (mainly female) breast.
o hormonal disturbance: PMS, gynecomastia etc.
o milk: desire, aversion or aggravation.
o General: > during pregnancy and breastfeeding, < after this period.
• Alternating symptoms. Being torn between two sides.
• Color preferences : warm colors, 8-10D (deep red), 4-5C (orange), also 11C-E (magenta and purple).

Stages of Lacs
Stage Remedy
1 Lac Loxodonta
2 Lac humanum, lac ovinum
3 Lac caninum
5 Lac felinum
6 Lac equinum
7 Lac delphinum, lac asinum?
8 Lac asinum?
10 Lac leoninum
11 Lac lupinum
12 Lac caprinum
15 Lac vaccinum, lac defloratum
17 Lac suis, lac humanum?

The arrangement in stages was done according to proving symptoms and clinical cases. This is a provisory order. Stage 17 for lac suilinum was confirmed by this case. If we want to grade the remedies, we could give it a 2nd grade and wait for more clinical confirmation. There are two more cases in this issue of Interhomeopathy confirming this system. Markus Kuntosch confirmed Lac leoninum in stage 10 by his case. Andrea Zarth confirmed Lac delphinum in stage 7 by her case. So we would ask you to use your own cases and help to develop this system accordingly. It is a promising approach.

Other cases in a nutshell:
We have seen 2 other cases of lac-suilinum in our practice confirming stage 17.
One was a 9-year-old girl who was stealing money from her mother and played tricks with her; she played rather violent mischief with her mother regardless of the consequences; towards others she can appear very nice. She is very clever and pretty, with an abysmal, penetrating gaze. The remedy was chosen because of the main milk issue: mother rejected her after birth (she refused to see the baby for one week and never nursed her) and stage 17 issues (stealing, playing tricks, violence regardless of consequences).
The other case was a girl masturbating shamelessly in front of her parents and family. She would put a soft toy (mostly an animal) between her thighs and do it with such intensity that she would begin sweating and her face became red. Many “well-indicated remedies” had failed, but lac-suilinum helped her. She stopped it altogether and developed fine. This case was many years back, before any proving was done or even milk themes were discovered. The remedy was just given as a last resort and only because of the idea that she behaved “like a pig”. We have other cases of excessive masturbation cured with lac-caprinum. They can be also very violent, but nevertheless there is sort of shame and some sense of decency; they just overreact. Lac-suilinum displays shameless lust and heeds no issues of decency (stage 17).

Provings of lac suis or lac suilinum.

There are two impressive provings by Stefan Kohlrausch and Kees Dam. Both provings showed features of cruelty, violence and brutality. Kohlrausch describes the remedy as highly syphilitic. The basic feeling is being abused, misused, outcast, injustly condemned, or being abandoned. Many provers reacted with severe anger and hatred.
A third proving by Zeising and Neuhöfer showed a chaotic plethora of dreams and some of these confirm the proving of Kohlrausch: “A horrible remedy” “A child is raped” “I am very upset” “Never again” – Deceit and treachery with hatred. Another theme was the discovery of treasures and jewelry (like Fluor).
In Dam’s proving one could see, apart from the general milk themes, symptoms like hyperventilation and tetany: fainting, vertigo with falling backward or forward, numbness of hands and twisting the fingers. Acute sense of smell, loathing of toilet smells. As if the face was pressed flat.

Ulrich Welte
Blumenplatz 2 - D-79400 Kandern - Germany
email: uwelte@homeo.de,       http://www.homeo.de/

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Lac Suillinum, tetraplegia, milk, milk remedies, Lac humanum, Lac ovinum, Lac caninum, Lac felinum, Lac equinum, Lac delphinum, Lac asinum, Lac leoninum, Lac Loxodonta, Lac lupinum, Lac caprinum, Lac vaccinum, lac defloratum, Lac suis, lac humanum


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Posts: 6
Reply #2 on : Mon June 20, 2011, 08:03:13
It is from a new race of Sus scrofa domestica officially recognized since 1904: "deutsches Edelschwein". This new race was bred by crossing marshland pigs with yorkshires and English middle whites.

It was taken from a sow living in open boxes which they can leave and enter at leisure.
The fresh milk was potentized.

Posts: 6
Reg Species name
Reply #1 on : Tue June 14, 2011, 06:38:34
Dear Dr ,
Can we know which species the remedy is made from...

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