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Interhomeopathy - Editorial December 2008
2008 December

Editorial December 2008

by Jan Scholten
This issue of Interhomeopathy we start with a new kind of article or rubric: Short Cases. It is what it says, short cases. In the presentation of these cases only the core is presented, the essence of the story of the patient. The periphery, like all kinds of generals, past history, family history is left out. At least in so far as it doesn't belong to the core of the case. The goal of these cases is to give a very direct impression of what a remedy can do. It gives an idea of what is essential in a case and remedy. One doesn't get distracted by details.
We came to this idea by the way we exchange cases often, which is that of the above. It is what one remembers of a case when telling a colleague, without having to refer to the written text. I have had that very often with Ulrich Welte, of whom you will see the first "Short Case". They are like jewels that convey the idea of the remedy directly, without distraction.
Another advantage is that these case can be written down very easily. SO we hope you will do that with your own cases that you are enthusiastic about. We have heard many times of beautiful cases. But when asked to write the case down it often didn't work out. It was too much work and all kinds of doubts settled in. We hope that you as a homeopath can send your great cases as short cases when the long story is too much for you.

We like to hear your feedback on the Short Cases.
Enjoy this issue,
Jan Scholten

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial, short case


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Posts: 3
Reply #2 on : Fri December 05, 2008, 03:46:02
Hi Jan,
I’m ambivalent about short cases. Short concise cases can make it easier to learn from - true. However, without the whole case, I have no idea of the authors standard. I’m concerned about standards because I take cases seriously - often as seriously or more seriously then materia medica.

This is particularly important with Rx’s that have little information, such as Viburnum, Ricinus, Helianthus, etc. For example, a thoroughly documented long term chronic case of Passiflora is an important contribution. A short case of Passiflora with minimal real data from the actual patient, has less merit - in my eyes.

I have many other concerns about the possibility of short cases being problematic, but this comment box forces me to make a short comment. So that's it for now.

Posts: 3
Reply #1 on : Tue December 02, 2008, 02:59:54
Hello Jan, et al,

It sounds as though you'd like some cases--I have many short cases of mineral cases (salt; compound) derived from the different series, as well as some good lanthanides (compounds). If you'd like me to submit a short case or two, just let me know if one year follow-up is sufficient, or if you need more--

Dave Johnson, CCH, RSHom(NA)