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Interhomeopathy - Holmium muriaticum in a case of nephrotic syndrome
2008 Juillet

Holmium muriaticum in a case of nephrotic syndrome

de Jan Scholten
A girl of 4 years has nephrotic syndrome. Her face and eyelids are swollen, her abdomen distended with ascites. It started a year before with kidney failure and the albumen in her blood was very low, due to the loss in the urine. She has had 7 relapses in this year, that last longer every time. It started with 10 days, the last was 60 days. The attacks come after inflammations of ear or throat. With it she has a continuous dry cough, pain in her sternum region and cannot breath well due to spasms of her larynx. She is in much pain then, tired and agitated, weeps hysterically and is very demanding that her mother must be with her. She is treated with corticosteroids, methotrexate and infusions of albumin.

She is very connected to her mother. She follows her mother everywhere, as if she is her shadow. She asks the attention of everybody all day, but especially of her mother. She can be affectionate and patient, but this is a fragile state. She can easily explode as an atomic bomb, for instance by a reproach of her father or her grandmother putting the sauce in the wrong way on her pasta. When she is in such a state she can not be approached, others have to go away, only her mother can cope with her. Her mother is worried about her, she has the feeling she can not breathe as she has to give the girl constant attention. It is difficult for the mother to be with her all the time and feels sorry the older sister that misses attention due to the situation.
She has a strong will, wants things to be done her way. Her father is often away at work. He is a nice man, not authoritative, but can sometimes yell at his daughter when she is misbehaving. Then she puts her hands on her ear and says "stop". She does not want him to come near anymore and she retires, goes to her mother. This behaviour is the same with anyone else that she feels is not good for her. When she is angry she walks away and starts looking from a distance in an angry way.
She is often undecided. Her mother tells "this indecision is sometimes a problem because she cries a lot and even if we try to help her, she doesn't want to. For example: she never knows what kind of dresses she'd like to wear and she cries for 30-60 minutes every morning, for this!; I try to give her clothes to wear, but they're never what she expects. I try to leave only one dress in her armchair, but it is worse than before. Then, in the same way she starts crying, she stops, without apparent reasons."
She does not want to touched, looked at or photographed, especially not by strangers or a doctor.
She is very clever and intelligent. She was fast in speaking, walking and computer play and all has to be perfect. She wants to be useful by helping other children. She wants to be stimulated because she is easily bored.

The parents of the mother divorced when she was 5. The grandmother always told that the grandfather was bad because he had abandoned them, but the mother was still very fond of and loving her father.
Her mother has a daughter from her first marriage. She divorced because her husband was regularly away in the night, but regretted it later. She wants to have an ideal, "dream family", but she feels like someone who needs to do what she likes, is a "free soul".
Diseases in the family are hypertension, heart failure, apoplexy, lung oedema, asthma and dermatitis.

Past history
During her pregnancy she did not grow well and at birth she was thin and small, her weight was 2.2 kilo. Delivery was a Cesarean section because the labour of her sister had been the same.
As a baby she did not want to eat and she slept badly the first one and a half years.

Weather: easily cold, wants to be covered.
Sweat: a lot, on her head, everywhere.
Desire: all food, cold food since the cortisone.
Food: allergy to wheat, eggs and chicken, it aggravates the protein in the urine.

The nephrotic syndrome is an auto-immune disease and as such indicates the Lanthanides.
She is strong willed and can impose her will on others. This indicates a stage on the right, she is self confident, but not far as she imposes her will. The fighting quality indicates, Stage 12 or 13. Her retiring behavior is typical for Stage 13. She is angry, walks away and starts looking from a distance in an angry way: typical for Stage 13, fighting half. Stage 13 of the Lanthanides is Holmium.
Everything is very much connected to the mother. She asks, demands attention of her mother all the time, following her like a shadow. This indicates chlorum, muriaticum.
Together this leads to Holmium muriaticum. This prescription can also be seen in the mother (muriaticum), being a free (Lanthanides) soul and thus divorcing, but regretting (doing it half, Stage 13).

Lanthanides: self willed, "free soul", precocious, easily bored, shadow.
Stage 13: agitated, averse being approached, retiring.
Muriaticum: disturbances in water balance, mother, attention.
Stage 17: demanding.

Follow up:
She had been treated in the past with Apis, Berberis, Leptandra, Magnesium carbonicum and Aurum arsenicosum without result.
Holmium muriaticum MK once a week is prescribed. After 6 weeks she is getting better, but not completely healthy yet. She has had protein in her urine twice, but it stopped in 16 and 12 days with only one or two albumin's infusions instead 55 or 60 days with albumin infusion every 48 hours that she needed before Holmium therapy. She is also more quiet and she has had only one or two hysterical attacks during these six weeks, while she had usually one a day before starting therapy. Now she cries with no reason and without tears. She is still often undecided.
Holmium muriaticum MK once every 2 weeks is prescribed. After 6 more weeks she had no more protein in her urine. She had a bad period of three weeks, often had "panic attacks" and her mother gave her Holmium when it happed, six times in twenty days when I understood that she couldn't cross that crisis on her own and Holmium made things go better.
Now she is more quiet (since twenty days), has less "dressing" problems and it seems to be on the good way for health.
She took 60mg Deflazacort (coticosterhoid) a day and now she is taking 30mg every 48 hours without any problems.
She didn't need any albumin infusions, whereas she needed 150 ml albumin 20% every 48 hours and until January 2007 she did 100ml albumin 20%. She did 4 hours infusions every 2 days.
Her mother says "She is a great worker now. She always needs to be helpful. She helps me in the kitchen, cleaning our home and she irons with me as well!!! She helps her father washing cars, she plays with her sister and she takes care of her little dog too.
It's really joyful that Asia found her joy of living once again!!! . This is the best difference between past and present; she has founds health, but JOY too!!!"

Scholten, J.C.
Homeopathic Doctors Centre Utrecht

Catégories: Remèdes
Mots clés: nephrotic syndrome, Holmium muriaticum,albumin infusion, methotrexate, corticosteroids, Deflazacort, auto-immune disease

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