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Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch

Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch
born 1958

Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch qualified in medicine at Bonn and Goettingen University and went on to gain a PhD in cancer and brain research under Professor Otto Creutzfeld at the Goettingen Max Planck Institute, working there for a further ten years. She has also written expert reports for the German Supreme Court.
She subsequently studied homeopathy in Germany as well as with Rajan Sankaran in India, and has undergone years of Zen and contemplation training with the Benedictine monk Willigis Jaeger. She founded the annual symposium ‘Science meets Homeopathy’, bringing together quantum physicists, pharmacologists, biologist, psychiatrists and homeopaths to seek to enhance our understanding of the scientific basis of empirical homeopathic data.
Inspired by the findings of Sankaran and Scholten her work has resulted in a further differentiation of ten levels of case-taking and follow-up, leading fascinatingly to a deeper understanding of the subconscious. In her daily clinical practice she has gone on to explore the source of a patient’s symptoms in the realm of rubrics and sensations, and beyond to that unrevealed world which is the source of who we truly are.

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Books 1 to 2 (of 2)

The Source in Homeopathy

Cosmic Diversity and Individual Talent
Source-based Homeopathy Vol. I
296 pages, hb, product no. 03960
44.10 US$
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Die homöopathische Quelle - 1 DVD

Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch im Interview mit Heidi Brand, Berlin März 2010, DVD ca. 60 min
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 11192
10.60 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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