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Repertory to The Rheumatic Remedies

Herbert Alfred Roberts

Buch: 530 pages, hb
product no.: 01433
weight: 650g
ISBN: 978-81-7021-456-4 9788170214564

Printed in India - Indian quality


Repertory to The Rheumatic Remedies

Herbert Alfred Roberts

9.50 US$
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Buch: 530 pages, hb
product no.: 01433
weight: 650g
ISBN: 978-81-7021-456-4 9788170214564

Printed in India - Indian quality


This comprehensive work in fact has two parts of roughly equal size. Part 1 is a materia medica with symptoms specifically relating to rheumatic conditions plus common concomitants & general modalities; Part 2 is the repertory based on this.

To UNDERTAKE the building of a repertory to any homoeopathic therapeutic work is an unsatisfactory task. Ingrained in the very principles of homoeopathic practice is the conviction that " any remedy in the materia medica (or, for that matter, any substances that may not have been proven as yet) may be indicated in this disease syndrome." For that reason, when we write any list of homoeopathic remedies particularly suited to any named condition we are cutting down those that might be indicated in the atypical case.

We are always conscious of the fact that we are limiting the book on therapeutics, and when it comes to assemble the repertory for such a work it is even more evident. Any rubric based on the remedies in the work on therapeutics (in this case, the repertory based on The Rheumatic Remedies) may seem eyen to the casual homoeopathic prescriber to be lacking in remedies which are well known to him as having that particular symptom. For instance, Sulphur's itching skin is well known to all who have any knowledge of homoeopathy, yet Graphites and Comocladia are the only ones to appear in this repertory based on the named book. It is obvious that if Sulphur appears indicated, it must be considered even though no mention of it appears in the rubrics of this book.

In other words, the more thoroughly one studies homoeopathy, the less satisfied he is with a restricted repertory. But because to a busy physician such a repertory may serve as a hasty reminder to refer to certain remedies for his suffering patient, we have had the courage to complete this work and to offer it, imperfect as it is, only urging that the physician supplement the written word with his basic knowledge of the remedies and their usefulness when indicated, in any condition.


9.50 US$
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This comprehensive work in fact has two parts of roughly equal size. Part 1 is a materia medica with symptoms specifically relating to rheumatic conditions plus common concomitants & general modalities; Part 2 is the repertory based on this.

To UNDERTAKE the building of a repertory to any homoeopathic therapeutic work is an unsatisfactory task. Ingrained in the very principles of homoeopathic practice is the conviction that " any remedy in the materia medica (or, for that matter, any substances that may not have been proven as yet) may be indicated in this disease syndrome." For that reason, when we write any list of homoeopathic remedies particularly suited to any named condition we are cutting down those that might be indicated in the atypical case.

We are always conscious of the fact that we are limiting the book on therapeutics, and when it comes to assemble the repertory for such a work it is even more evident. Any rubric based on the remedies in the work on therapeutics (in this case, the repertory based on The Rheumatic Remedies) may seem eyen to the casual homoeopathic prescriber to be lacking in remedies which are well known to him as having that particular symptom. For instance, Sulphur's itching skin is well known to all who have any knowledge of homoeopathy, yet Graphites and Comocladia are the only ones to appear in this repertory based on the named book. It is obvious that if Sulphur appears indicated, it must be considered even though no mention of it appears in the rubrics of this book.

In other words, the more thoroughly one studies homoeopathy, the less satisfied he is with a restricted repertory. But because to a busy physician such a repertory may serve as a hasty reminder to refer to certain remedies for his suffering patient, we have had the courage to complete this work and to offer it, imperfect as it is, only urging that the physician supplement the written word with his basic knowledge of the remedies and their usefulness when indicated, in any condition.


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