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Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies by Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S., Review

Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies / Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S.

Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S.


by Bernadette Connolly

Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies

This book cheers my heart!  Born out of daily experience it is practical without "waffle" and littered with invaluable nuggets of expertise. The clarity with which it is written leaves little room for confusion or doubt.
Homeopathy in Acutes and Emergencies A Practical Guide returns us to the wonderful and at times miraculous response patients can have to remedies. It inserts homeopathy in the hospital emergency model; A & E; surgical ward and other critical hospital situations e.g. intensive care unit.  This book paints the signs and symptoms that lead to successful application of homeopathy. Cases of renal failure, heart attack, fatal angina, stroke greatly assisted by the addition of homeopathy in achieving successful outcomes are described. These cases show how homeopathy can retrieve a fatal situation where there is no other medical solution. 
Confining their approach to the clinical environment Pareek & Pareek impart their knowledge generously. They focus exclusively on delivering successful outcomes with the speed demanded in emergencies. Their comprehensive introduction outlines basic principles in homeopathic prescribing (pg 4); applies triage to categorise emergency patients (pg 7) and the role of homeopathy in surgical cases and medical emergencies. Much pertinent advice is offered and a gentle dialogue whispers through the paragraphs under Constitutional Homeopathy Versus Clinical Prescribing. A stimulating introduction for the attention of all interested in homeopathy. 
The opening chapter makes unique and important points on the application and place of homeopathy as part of successful integrated inpatient treatment. It lays down a reasoned foundation for the invaluable information in succeeding chapters. Informed by the values "we must treat patients honestly, with sincerity and with sympathy for their suffering" Pareek & Pareek guide the reader competently and imbue confidence in the application of homeopathy in the most testing of situations. Remedies applied as therapeutics and successfully replicated scenarios are a powerful arsenal in such situations and I believe a basis for further development. Emergencies test the skill of the homeopath.
The book is laid out under six major headings: cardiac and circulatory, neurological, trauma and injury, surgical, pain and colic, and other acute therapeutics. The rear of the book has a quick reference clinical specific repertory, materia medica and remedy index. At the outset of each section the reader is advised to judge the nature of the emergency to maximise successful outcome for the patient. First line defense remedies are given with precise description of acute symptoms. Cases support the information. Of note is a case of acute myocardial infarction on page 21: immediate treatment: ''the cardiologist expressed amazement at the successful outcome and told me that in his experience he would definitely have expected him to die from cardiogenic shock had he not been given appropriate homeopathic treatment initially". Worthy recognition indeed.There follows second line defense remedies and a description of miasms and the heart in "Background: The Holistic Heart" which is very precise and most useful. The differential diagnosis of heart remedies shows the expertise these doctors have in homeopathy and for which I am grateful they have chosen to share.
Likewise in the section on neurological emergencies valuable insights into pathology of strokes provide the basis  for treatment. Homeopathy for epilepsy, fainting, head and spinal injuries, psychiatric emergencies and rape victims contain the essentials to bring relief and comfort to patients in line with modern medical management. The section on physical trauma and injuries has all the familiar acute remedies and more. The notes on injuries from extremes of weather is interesting and those on bed sores gave me "extra meat" to chew! 
In Chapter 5 problems associated with surgical and medical treatments shows how homeopathy goes where no other therapy can go and I believe it also shows what homeopathy can contribute in the Multi Disciplinery Team (MDT). Every homeopath will be grateful for the chapter on acute pain and colic and for Chapter 7 which builds on existing information on organ support to specifics for organs in emergency distress. Two tips I found extremely interesting is that of eel serum in renal failure and homesickness and sulphurosum acidum in allergies and environmental disasters.
Based on Hahnemann's philosophy this book adheres to 'classical' understanding of health and 'disease' and contributes much in way of confirmed symptoms for emergency crises thus enabling speedy therapeutic prescribing. The clinical repertory, materia medica specific to emergencies and the remedy index to the rear of the book are a great help when you are in a hurry to prescribe. 
The speed with which homeopathy brings results in acutest emergencies is the key that lifts the lid off this "treasure chest". Incorporating homeopathy into the day to day hospital practice can enhance patient care, improve outcomes, reduce anxiety and ease the fears of patients prior to and during procedures. The beauty of homeopathy is that with adequate and tailored training it can be incorporated immediately into existing hospital facilities. High quality targetted training coupled with elective experience is required to give homeopathy a place amongst the most significant therapies that form part of every MDT.  
If I were to suggest an addition it would be guidelines on working with Multi Disciplinary Teams. Professional homeopaths often have to navigate institutional and clinical environments e.g. nursing homes and maternity wards. Some guidance on appropriate measures and approaches would be most welcome.  Perhaps also some specifics on maternity emergencies would round off what is an excellent guidebook and reference.
This book is a signficant addition to homeopathic literature and deserves a place in hospital libraries. Coming as it does from daily experience of successfully treated cases in a hospital environment it provides much needed vision and leadership on the integration of homeopathy in the care of inpatients. Demonstrating its efficiency in practice it shows how supportive homeopathy is in the care of the patient. 
What an ideal gift for the new graduate of homeopathy much more than a book it will expand their horizons. It holds up a vision that is achievable and leaves all that prattle about 'pro and anti' outside the door! There are a few books that I keep close on a daily basis and Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies has found its place amongst them.
Highly recommended, won't disappoint!
Bernadette Connolly Lic.ISH, ISHom
Homeopathy for Acutes and Emergencies / Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S.

Pareek Alok / Pareek R.S.

31.90 US$
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