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Ignatia in Cancer

L.M. Khan

Ignatia in Cancer, L.M. Khan
Buch: 32 pages, booklet
product no.: 05949
weight: 40g
Printed in India - Indian quality
Out of print

Ignatia in Cancer

L.M. Khan

1.60 US$
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Buch: 32 pages, booklet
product no.: 05949
weight: 40g
Printed in India - Indian quality
Out of print


Human being as a patient is a living witness of the human sufferings, whereas the medical papers and books are the silent records of medical developments and achievements. The earliest medical records we shall find in the Assyrian Cunniform tablets, Egyptian papyri, Aztec stones and medieval parchments. These are the earliest forms of medical papers and books written on different recording mediums in respective era. Walt Whitman, a philosopher, said, 'give me the power to speak beautiful words; keep the rest'', and these powerful words are recorded in these medical papers and books as thoughts of medical titans which developed during the course of time. To imitate our ancestors, l am also presenting my thoughts on the aetiology and on the treatment of cancer in this booklet.

Cancer is a most dreadful disease next to AIDS. Every system of medicine is trying to find out effective remedies to findt out cancer. But still we are not getting anything promising. As far as homoeopathic system of medicine is concerned, l would like to present my findings from my pure experience in this small book.

Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. And to be holistic in treatment one is never away from modern scientific thoughts. Rather a holistic approach in treatment is more consistent with modern & scientific theories. So to treat cancer patients, it is not necessary to tell a conscientious physician to follow a holistic approach.

In this, l am stressing very much on the most ignored factor of psyche, which plays a key role in development of cancer. With this l never mean other factors of cancer aetiology are meaningless. Also, l am presenting the capability of Ignatia in treatment of cancer cases with a few case reports. l discussed here only Ignatia, never mean it is the only remedy in homoeopathy to treat cancer. It is one of those, but very very less known.

l express my whole hearted gratitude to my guru Dr. Jnan Mazumdar who is actually responsible for all my successes.

l also acknowledge Dr. M.L. Agrawal for inciting me to write my experiences. Lastly l am thankful to my students for taking care of all cases and notes.

Rigveda, a holy book, teaches that "Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides." So l welcomes suggestions from all corners to improve upon.

Prof. L.&C. Khan,
Calcutta 20.7.95

1.60 US$
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Human being as a patient is a living witness of the human sufferings, whereas the medical papers and books are the silent records of medical developments and achievements. The earliest medical records we shall find in the Assyrian Cunniform tablets, Egyptian papyri, Aztec stones and medieval parchments. These are the earliest forms of medical papers and books written on different recording mediums in respective era. Walt Whitman, a philosopher, said, 'give me the power to speak beautiful words; keep the rest'', and these powerful words are recorded in these medical papers and books as thoughts of medical titans which developed during the course of time. To imitate our ancestors, l am also presenting my thoughts on the aetiology and on the treatment of cancer in this booklet.

Cancer is a most dreadful disease next to AIDS. Every system of medicine is trying to find out effective remedies to findt out cancer. But still we are not getting anything promising. As far as homoeopathic system of medicine is concerned, l would like to present my findings from my pure experience in this small book.

Homoeopathy treats the person as a whole. And to be holistic in treatment one is never away from modern scientific thoughts. Rather a holistic approach in treatment is more consistent with modern & scientific theories. So to treat cancer patients, it is not necessary to tell a conscientious physician to follow a holistic approach.

In this, l am stressing very much on the most ignored factor of psyche, which plays a key role in development of cancer. With this l never mean other factors of cancer aetiology are meaningless. Also, l am presenting the capability of Ignatia in treatment of cancer cases with a few case reports. l discussed here only Ignatia, never mean it is the only remedy in homoeopathy to treat cancer. It is one of those, but very very less known.

l express my whole hearted gratitude to my guru Dr. Jnan Mazumdar who is actually responsible for all my successes.

l also acknowledge Dr. M.L. Agrawal for inciting me to write my experiences. Lastly l am thankful to my students for taking care of all cases and notes.

Rigveda, a holy book, teaches that "Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides." So l welcomes suggestions from all corners to improve upon.

Prof. L.&C. Khan,
Calcutta 20.7.95

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1.60 US$
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