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Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica

Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica
Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from UnimedicaHyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from UnimedicaHyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from UnimedicaHyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica
product no.: 31288
EAN: 4251662104759

Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica

Natural cosmetics with low molecular and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid
42.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 31288
EAN: 4251662104759

1 bottle = 100 ml

Hyaluron Serum Pure for a deeply smooth, elastic skin

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is a quality “clean & functional” hyaluronic acid serum i.e. optimised for high efficacy, without any extras.

With a combination of low molecular and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, this serum provides deep-acting supplementary moisture, care and refreshment for your skin.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is vegan, free of preservatives, mineral oils, PEGs, parabens and microplastic.

The advantages of differing sizes of hyaluron molecules

Hyaluron ensures that water is stored in the skin. This makes the skin firmer and tighter. Wrinkles are smoothed out. Whereas high-molecular weight hyaluronic acid hydrates and firms up the skin surface, forming a keratin film on the skin that protects against drying out and improves elasticity, low-molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates the deeper skin layers. The moisture remains stored in the deeper skin layers for a long-term effect. The skin remains elastic for longer since it is cushioned from below. The skin appears delicate, radiating health.

What is the effect of hyaluron?

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of human connective tissue and plays an essential role in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and keeping it moisturised. Hyaluron can store a very large amount of moisture. With increasing age and the damaging effects on the skin caused by our modern lifestyle, the levels of hyaluron in the body can drop. Visible traces like wrinkles or flaky skin are an indication of this. If the skin contains a lot of hyaluron, it is well supplied with moisture. A well-moisturised skin appears fresh, smooth, firm and young.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is made in Germany. One bottle contains 100 ml of pure hyaluron serum.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is, according to legal requirements, free of preservatives, mineral oils, PEGs, parabens as well as microplastic. It is vegan.

42.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Free from preservatives



aqua, pentylene glycol, sodium hyaluronate


Store closed, protected from light and cool.


Apply the serum in the morning and/or evening with light circular movements to the desired areas of the skin.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

1 bottle = 100 ml

Hyaluron Serum Pure for a deeply smooth, elastic skin

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is a quality “clean & functional” hyaluronic acid serum i.e. optimised for high efficacy, without any extras.

With a combination of low molecular and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, this serum provides deep-acting supplementary moisture, care and refreshment for your skin.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is vegan, free of preservatives, mineral oils, PEGs, parabens and microplastic.

The advantages of differing sizes of hyaluron molecules

Hyaluron ensures that water is stored in the skin. This makes the skin firmer and tighter. Wrinkles are smoothed out. Whereas high-molecular weight hyaluronic acid hydrates and firms up the skin surface, forming a keratin film on the skin that protects against drying out and improves elasticity, low-molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates the deeper skin layers. The moisture remains stored in the deeper skin layers for a long-term effect. The skin remains elastic for longer since it is cushioned from below. The skin appears delicate, radiating health.

What is the effect of hyaluron?

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of human connective tissue and plays an essential role in maintaining the skin’s elasticity and keeping it moisturised. Hyaluron can store a very large amount of moisture. With increasing age and the damaging effects on the skin caused by our modern lifestyle, the levels of hyaluron in the body can drop. Visible traces like wrinkles or flaky skin are an indication of this. If the skin contains a lot of hyaluron, it is well supplied with moisture. A well-moisturised skin appears fresh, smooth, firm and young.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is made in Germany. One bottle contains 100 ml of pure hyaluron serum.

Hyaluron Serum Pure from Unimedica is, according to legal requirements, free of preservatives, mineral oils, PEGs, parabens as well as microplastic. It is vegan.

42.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica+Magnesium forte - 400 mg per daily dose - 365 capsules - from Unimedica =
Total price 61.50 US$
buy all

available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Customers, that bought Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica also bought

Free from preservatives



aqua, pentylene glycol, sodium hyaluronate


Store closed, protected from light and cool.


Apply the serum in the morning and/or evening with light circular movements to the desired areas of the skin.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

customer reviews of Hyaluron Serum Pure - High-Dose - 100 ml - from Unimedica
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4,5 out of 5 Stars

28 reviews (german), 4 reviews (french)

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verified purchase
4 days ago
Sérum hylluronique
Un peu déçue Il m assèche la peau
Je ne rachèterai pas
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4 months ago
Votre produit n' jamais été livré ! read more ...
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verified purchase
5 months ago
Pas encore testé
Suite à un problème à la livraison pas possible d'utiliser le produit.
J'attends un nouvel envoi.
Très bonne réactivité du service client. Merci à vous
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10 months ago
Super !!
Je suis fan de ce sérum hyaluronique qui hydrate bien et laisse la peau douce . read more ...
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Great Moisture

1 year ago
Effet immédiat
Le sérum à l’acide hyaluronique d’Unimedica est tout simplement formidable. Je suis ravie de l'effet car le sérum raffermit rapidement la peau, on constate immédiatement un effet rajeunissant, le visage a un aspect beaucoup plus frais et les ridules sont atténuées. La peau a l’air incroyablement veloutée, douce et lisse. Je l'utilise aussi spécifiquement contre ma névrodermite à la racine des cheveux car il combat la desquamation et les rougeurs. Je le recommande également aux personnes qui ont une tendance à l’acné.
Le sérum légèrement gélatineux peut être facilement dosé grâce au distributeur et apaise aussi les boutons qui démangent sur le visage.
L'odeur du sérum est neutre, je l'ai donc mélangé à ma crème de jour, ce qui particulièrement appréciable les jours où j’ai la peau sèche. Ce qui est génial avec cette substance hyaluronique, c’est que je peux l'utiliser de façon très polyvalente. Soit pure, soit associée à une huile pour le visage.
Ce sérum à l’acide hyaluronique est tout simplement addictif car c'est un produit entièrement naturel, la peau l'absorbe littéralement, il est revitalisant et réduit les irritations cutanées.
Encore une astuce : il est également fantastique pour les longueurs et les pointes de cheveux, ou en cas de cuir chevelu sec. Ne colle pas absolument pas...
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1 year ago
Un sérum à l’acide hyaluronique en maxi format – j’adore !!!!!
100 ml à ce prix et dans cette qualité, c’est à peine croyable. Habituellement, avec beaucoup de chance, j'en trouve un de 50 ml. Pour être honnête, j'ai déjà déboursé ça pour seulement 30 ml. L’effet du sérum à l’acide hyaluronique pur a immédiatement été perceptible sur moi, un véritable boost d’hydratation !!! Ce n’est pas le cas de tous les sérums. J’en ai déjà testé un certain nombre et il fallait attendre plus longtemps pour voir des résultats. Je veille toujours à ce que mon sérum contienne de l'acide hyaluronique de bas poids moléculaire afin que les couches profondes de la peau puissent être atteintes et qu’il n’agisse pas uniquement en surface. Ma peau est au top et resplendit, je ne peux plus m’en passer. read more ...
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