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Karim Adal



path, I have a goal, I’m forging ahead to find a job and organise

my life and my daughter’s life. I feel positive and feel that I will

be successful. I don’t miss my husband’s support at all. I don’t

need him near me. I don’t need any support. I can solve my

problems on my own.”


The mental and emotional picture that emerged, as well as the

physical characteristics of the headaches, are consistent with



, which is well-known for long continuous

headaches often lasting two to three days. The second repertory


shows the rubrics corresponding to our patient’s descrip-

tion of her headache, and

Ferrum metallicum

is found in those

rubrics in grade 3 or 4.

She responded within two hours of a dose of

Ferrum metallicum

200C with complete disappearance of the headaches, which

never returned: “I am very good, excellent, full of energy, no

pain anywhere.”

Her need for support that she manifested so intensely in 2007

at the first casetaking has totally vanished. She is now confi-

dent, hopeful and strong. She has no more fears for her future

and her daughter’s future despite a critical situation. One can

say with a fair degree of certainty that, had she found herself

in this same critical situation without having been previously

treated with

Calcarea carbonica

, she would have completely


We also feel quite clearly the energy of ‘perseverance’ that

characterises remedies in column eight of the periodic table.


This case is quite straightforward, needing a simple polychrest.

There is no ‘special twist’ or particular difficulty in the prescrip-

tion, and it probably does not deserve being published in this

wonderful journal. But this case touches me a lot for many rea-

sons, and this is the reason why, after some hesitation, I dared

to write and submit it to the editors of Spectrum for publication.

The first reason is that this case illustrates beautifully how a

deep-acting remedy can transform a person’s life in such a pro-

found way, not just physically but at all levels of their life and

being. We all know that and have witnessed it in our clinics but

it is sometimes good to dwell on these cases that compensate

for all the difficult cases we also see.

Our polychrests are worth their weight in gold: The second

reason may seem a bit strange, but sometimes, after a semi-

nar, one feels that one should know about the latest newest

remedies to be a good homeopath, forgetting that most of



Author: Jürgen Hansel

Both the cases of chronic sinusitis described by Karim Adal and Heiner Frei in this edition of SPECTRUM OF HOMEOPATHY tellingly

support the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for this illness. A research study published in 2009 by Claudia Witt, Rainer

Lüdtke and Stefan N. Willich shows that such success is not restricted to individual cases. The authors evaluated the outcome of

the homeopathic treatment of 134 patients who had been suffering from sinusitis for at least twelve weeks.

62 doctors with certified training in classical homeopathy and at least three years experience contributed to this multicentre

study. Patients were admitted to the study after comprehensive initial casetaking. The progress of treatment was checked with

regular follow-ups for two years and then again after eight years using patient reports. Patients evaluated the intensity of their

symptoms on a numeric scale and filled out a questionnaire on their health-related quality of life.

Over a period of 24 months the symptoms of sinusitis significantly improved and the use of conventional medication as well as

other measures could be greatly reduced. The evaluation of the intensity of the illness and the health-related quality of life indi-

cated significant improvement. Even though this recovery occurred mainly in the first three months of homeopathic treatment,

it was still in evidence at the follow-up eight years later.

In the first two years the patients were given 8.3 ± 6.2 homeopathic prescriptions. Almost half of the prescriptions were of the

following ten remedies (in decreasing frequency): Sepia,

Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Carcinosinum, Nux vomica, Sulphur,

Natrum muriaticum, Staphysagria



– with the remaining 51% of prescriptions, 135 further remedies were prescribed.

In 83.8% of prescriptions high potencies beyond Avogadro’s number were administered. The following potencies were most

frequently used: 200C: 35.7%; 1M: 23.0%; 30C: 14.2%; 10M: 7.6%; Q1: 3.5%; 12D: 3.3%.

The authors stress that their outcome study does not provide evidence about the part played specifically by the homeopathic

remedies in treatment success. Rather the study encompasses the overall package of homeopathic treatment – together with the

actual effect of the remedy, this package includes the context of the homeopathic practice with the time spent on each case, the

care and personal engagement of the homeopath plus the expectations of the patients. The part played by the placebo effect

in treatment success cannot be differentiated from the direct effect of the remedy with this particular methodological approach.

Claudia M. Witt, Rainer Lüdtke, Stefan N. Willich (2009): Homeopathic treatment of patients with chronic sinusitis:

A prospective observational study with 8 years follow-up, BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, 9:7