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– Problems with groups

The Liliales order includes many homeopathical-

ly relevant remedies such as Colchicum, Lilium

tigrinum, Sarsaparilla, and Veratrum album. Al-

though they belong to different plant families,

they have striking similarities, including the vital

sensation identified by Sankaran. Like Michal Ya-

kir, the Indian homeopath is guided by the Cron-

quist system, which – in contrast to the APG clas-

sification – also counts Irises, Hyacinths, Agaves,

and Asparagus as part of this large group.

The themes of all these plant remedies are about

belonging to a group, social position, recogni-

tion as well as attractiveness and sexuality. Cor-

responding to the cultural imagery associated

with the lily, we find the issues of love and pu-

rity, religion and morality, together with shame

and suppressed feelings. Therefore the physical

focus is the heart and the hormonal system. Jan

Scholten further differentiates the themes of the

Liliales according to the different families, which

to some extent also belong to another order. This

issue of SPECTRUM therefore offers the opportu-

nity to compare and contrast the plant systems

of Scholten, Sankaran, andYakir via their differing

understanding of the Liliales.


– Mineral Complex Remedies

With her book of stones in “Physica,” Hildegard

von Bingen founded a centuries-long tradition

of precious stone treatment as part of esoter-

ic natural healing. In homeopathy this group

of remedies has only been researched in the

last few decades through remedy provings. The

proving symptoms and clinical experience using

remedies made from such diverse substances as

Granite, Lava, and Rose quartz have led to the

emergence of common themes for the stones as

a separate remedy family.

Together with typical themes such as heaviness,

stiffness, and isolation but also breaking out and

exploding, we also find the well-known charac-

teristics of this entire mineral kingdom such as

a feeling of lack and the need for structure and

control. Each individual stone is a complex reme-

dy of various elements of the periodic table with

differing emphases on the individual rows such

as the Carbon, Silicium, or the Iron series. Our in-

ternationally renowned authors present various

stone remedies, demonstrating with concrete

cases how to reliably select these remedies via

the common themes of the remedy family, the

understanding of the elemental components,

the repertory, and proving symptoms.


– Cycle, Fertility, Menopause

The treatment of disturbances in functioning and

regulation is a domain of homeopathy. This is es-

pecially true for female hormone balance, which

reacts very sensitively to environmental influenc-

es but is also closely related to the state of mind.

Since Hahnemann‘s time we know of remedies

such as Pulsatilla and Sepia which have a special

effect on the menstrual cycle, fertility, pregnancy,

and the menopause.

The list of “women’s” remedies has grown and

grown, now including many minor remedies and

entire remedy families that have proved useful

for dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, or in

the menopause. In many cases remedy selection

with the approved indications is insufficient, and

the simillimum is only found via the totality of

symptoms, the life history, or the vital sensation.

From the menarche to the menopause, we look

at a range of different methodologies and typical

remedies, using numerous cases of menstrual dif-

ficulties, unfulfilled wish for children, or cycle-de-

pendent mood disorders. We aim to demonstrate

the key role of homeopathy in the treatment of

hormonally caused female complaints.