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Bénédicte Echard

 ¦ Dendroaspis polylepis



“I have an addiction to sex and to smoking. I go to excess:

porno, sex toys, I don’t even look at girls anymore

(after a re-

lationship where he was left).

I give you tenderness, I turn my

back on you and I manipulate you.”

How do you feel during your relationships with girls?

“I feel powerful, I hold the other.”

(Hand gesture: a hand that

clenches firmly.)

Here we see a reverse of the previous moment

where he said, “I am a puppet, he holds me.”

Tell me about his gesture and “I hold the other”. Take

your time, close your eyes and connect with it, tell me

what comes into your mind

(long silence).

“It’s me who has the other in hand, who controls, who has the

power. It is an instinctive projection; it is not the structured intel-

lect. You try to get control, it is bestial, it is an animal instinct. I

am in my place, that which I should be, a pillar, a block, I’m in


(Gesture: hand raised, palm forward)

That’s really good. Close your eyes, connect yourself to

this gesture, and go back into this energy in your hand.

“I am connected. My hand is reaching towards the sky. It’s like


(he puts his other hand in front of his face, palm open

and slightly downward, he pauses and laughs).

“It is to be

God. I am God.”

Tell me about being God, stay connected to this sensation.

What is the experience in your body and in your mind?

“It is harmony, it is calm, it is quiet, relaxed. I am conscious of

everything, clear. There is integrity, I am in my place, on the

right road in life; there is beauty. I have my feet, there is the

earth, I reconnect. I am straightforward.” (Hand gesture from

high downwards). “It is the top of my head that connects me.

I am connected to the cosmic world. I radiate.”


This case is a typical snake remedy. It is a journey into the world

of a patient who experiences this type of energy, which has en-

abled me to recognise the ‘snake energy’ in a lot of other cases.

Syphilitic miasm

The duality, the split in the mind; he even calls himself

“schizo.” There is confusion between victim and aggressor.

The feeling of being taken advantage of, degraded, humili-

ated, either attacking or retreating.

Extremely sensitive to the judgment of others.

Sexually violent, with domination in relationships.

Black and white, evil takes control.

Rumination, desire to give the other a thrashing.

Absence of morality and at the same time a huge sensitivity

to rudeness; the desire to be straightforward.

Theme of being strangled, squeezed, held, with the gestures.

Typical type of attack – “they don’t expect it – everything is

going well then suddenly ‘paf!’, I bite.” False.

Finally the connection to the divine, to an elevated plane.


Dendroaspis polylepis


Attack and action of poison:

The Elapidae family includes the

Cobra (


), black and green Mamba and

Elaps corralinus

. The

Elapidae are very venomous serpents; their bite is often lethal.

These snakes are very aggressive.

The body is svelte so they can move very quickly. Usually they do

not attack first. If their territory is attacked, they try to escape,

but if one continues to provoke them they will warn before

attacking. The cobra opens its hood, the mamba opens its black

mouth, and Elaps shows its vivid colours. They are thus much

less hidden than the Viperidae; they show themselves. They

challenge, like the cobra, they hold themselves upright. “Don’t

do that. If you approach any closer, I will kill you.” If the attacker

does not recognise the signal, they will attack, and even after

the bite they keep holding on. The Elapidae continue to bite

repeatedly. They do not leave; they stay, which is different from

Viperidae, which bite then leave straightaway.

The venom is usually neurotoxic, causing respiratory paralysis and

swift cardiac arrest (for black mamba this is within 20 minutes).

Themes of the Elapidae:

The theme of the Elapidae is often

‘injury,’ like the Compositae: one of the rubrics is ‘Delusion,

imagination, injury, injured is being:

Elaps, Naja, Dendroaspis.

This patient had the theme of a gaping wound.

Central to this case is the feeling of being wounded and the

desire to hurt the other in response, the desire to stab. There

is a violent impulse to kill.

All this indicates the Elapidae family: just going and killing, you

don’t leave any enemies alive. The theme of the wound, the

challenge to face the other before attacking.

Dendroaspis polylepis: black mamba

Extreme violence

Strong connection to sexuality and masturbation

Impulsive attack, swift (Ferrari; I charge)

Black mood

Swift aggression: the Black mamba is one of the fastest

snakes; they can move as fast as a man can run. They are

especially nervous and aggressive, very violent. They can

attack without provocation.


For details see the proving of Rajan Sankaran with

the recurrent theme: ‘I am completely alone and everyone is

against me.’ There is also speed and severe aggression, which

are found in this case.


The patient says:

“Since the first consultation there has been

a clear improvement. It is amazing, I did not believe in your

pillules at all! Physically, the knot in my stomach has relaxed, as

though a lot of things have fallen into place; I have decided not

to give in to this violence. I am much more relaxed. My life has

changed a lot, it is a step. I have stopped smoking and drinking,

I am not anxious, I don’t let myself be invaded. I have started

to meditate and to go jogging and that helps to regulate me. I

am more reliable, more stable for others, I am a rock; one can