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Interhomeopathy - Samarium metallicum proving
2008 May

Samarium metallicum proving

by Margriet Plouvier Suijs MD
Proving Samarium Metallicum C 200 and C 30

Self: thinking, exploring, deepening, differentiating, discriminating, measuring.
Measure, count, know.
Thinking about morality.
Secret service: what is allowed? Moral feeling.

Samarium is stage 8:
Force, push press, struggle, tension, strife, resistance, opposition, confront

Extract of some memorable symptoms:
P 1 (C30)   After the dose of Samarium Metallicum I recognize that my mother is pushing me, I let go of it and return to myself.
P 2 (C30)   Now I criticize it and say something like; "that shouldn’t happen like that". That was it.
In another situation someone enters the room and asks what to do. In fact this person is able to find her way. No reason at all she should ask something. Normally she would have taken over, but now she is telling her to keep to her own things!! End of the story!!!!!
P 3 (C30)   Immediately I think; this remedy has to do with borders.
P 3 (C30)   I suddenly decide to trim a plant in my consulting room that is not looking good. (I was intending to do this for a long time, or to search for another plant.)
P 1 (C30)   I recognized what was hindering me in a mother of one of the children at school. She is always crossing over my borders, she is exploring, calling me and makes it her own idea. This is an "eye opening" for me.

P 1 (C200)  This thinking is strange; literally I follow a pattern while thinking. Every new thought has a logic connection with the thought before, as if my thoughts are sentences in a book.
P 1 (C200)  Physical; pain in the right elbow, the joint of the Radius, together with pain in the right shoulder close to the neck. This gives the sensation as if I hold on to something and push it away in the same movement.
P 2 (C200)  I feel self-confident and assertive. I react to everything that people say. The sensation is that I am who I am.
P 3 (C200)   Now I decide to do so.
P 5 (C200)   I feel free (no resistance).
P 8 (C200)   Every morning I wake up with a musty head as if I had taken a sleeping pill. There is a storm in my head, sighing. Benumbed feeling, as if the brains are not able to catch things.

During the proving it was difficult to collect the information from the participants, as if everybody kept the information for him/herself.

Samarium Metallicum C200:

Prover 1 ( ♀ )
I had to solve something in myself and so I decide (against my custom) not to swallow the globules, but to put them under my pillow and try to have a dream-proving.
It is a nice idea, but it doesn’t work, because I lie awake thinking. So I think about the most fantastic ideas*, one after another, but I don’t sleep at all, so how to dream? After some time I put the remedy away.

* Example of my thinking concerning the cross:
The vertical beam is the male, the spirit and the conscious. The horizontal beam is the female, the feeling subconscious. Consciously you’re able to solve a problem in yourself if you know what you feel. That moment of awareness is clarifying.
The Greek and Celtic cross is symmetrical and the junction of the cross is the heart-chakra; in this level people are equal. This means the moment two people have the same feeling, they understand each other, it gives an enlightening feeling.
The Christian cross has the junction at the level of the throat-chakra. On this level it is clear when I am able to express what I feel by telling it.

What is the use of this way of thinking? None in daily life.
Immediately after this another subject comes to my mind, as theoretical as the other one and as useless for daily life.

Physical: Pain in the right elbow, the joint of the Radius, together with pain in the right shoulder close to the neck. This gives the sensation as if I hold on to something and push it away in the same movement. Later I have some pain in the hamstring of the right leg.

Prover 2 ( ♀ )
I took the remedy on Thursday.
For some days I didn’t notice any change.
On Sunday I fell asleep in the afternoon while reading, which isn’t unusual for me, I would like to have a siesta every afternoon.
Monday morning I wake up with a pressing headache in the middle of the forehead, above the root of the nose.
I feel self-confident and assertive. I react at everything that people say.
The sensation is that I am who I am.

Prover 3 ( ♂ )
I took the remedy on Saturday at 15.00 pm.
I am at ease in the beginning.
For a long time before this proving I had the idea to lay down and in my mind go to the moment that I was born (= doing what was planned for a long time).
Now I decide to do so, I do lay down. I can’t find the right position in the beginning. After some time it is going better. My hands and feet feel relaxed. Nothing special happens. When I get up I have some burps.
At night I have a dream; I am playing music in a band. We are playing without an audience, but some people are watching and listening. I clap my hands fast and rhythmical and I strike my thighs in the same rhythm.
I am overwhelmed by this.

I am very tired. I am sitting in my garden and it is difficult to read a book. In the evening I am lying in my bed while watching a soccer match on television. I fall asleep.
Dream; a green colour snake is coming and then I grasp it suddenly. I am holding it behind the head, but one of my fingers is in its mouth and I press the finger as hard as I can so that the animal can’t bite. At the same time I doubt - how will this end?

Toothache left side.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday: I don’t feel well.
Wednesday: well done feeling after stool.

Prover 5 ( ♀ )
Impressive dream:
I am participating in a summer camp of Druids. My husband J. is there as well. The weather is nice, the meeting is pleasant and everybody is happy. I feel free. My friend is there as well, it isn’t clear whether J. knows it or not. To me this is quite natural and normal. In the afternoon I sit down with a friend. We have a nice conversation. It is cosy. We are sitting down in front of the tent. Everyone is walking around and doing something. Then this friend tells me that he would like to kiss me. I agree and so we lie down and take our time to kiss. Nobody wonders. Then I think: “Strange, J. is here, my friend is here and now this friend! Well, why not? I have to be aware not to ask too much attention.”

You will understand that I was very happy while waking up. During the day when I remembered the dream I was smiling about it. Are these my true colour?!

Prover 8 ( ♂ )
I took the remedy in 2 doses.
About visiting a lecture, I am a member of the audience. Taking a coat of and on, something in a railway station, I feel timid but it doesn’t matter. It is okay to be timid.

Playing games with members of the family. Later I have a backache, it hurts very much and it is lasts a long time.
At night my nose bleeds spontaneously.
In the morning I have to go to stool. I am not able to hold it.
Some is passing unnoticed. Bah. The urine has a dark colour and a bad smell. There is a frequent urination during the forenoon with urging. I have to be aware not to loose urine involuntary.
I feel insecure.

Sensation of wind blowing over the right leg shortly during the evening.

On Sunday sitting in my chair I fall asleep. I am choking by my own saliva.
During the last days I have a sour sensation in the gullet while drinking red wine.

Dream: As if I am in the clinic with M (♀).
A man who is impotent with a woman who has a cervix carcinoma. M. is allowed to examine the woman. May be after this examination they can have sex again.

Dream: I am member of a group of 12 girls about 20 years old who are joining for therapy. An older and wiser woman is leading. She says: “would you like to associate on my words and would you like to rhyme".
“dat poe t zo, mijn moe rilt zo” (the powder is vibrating, my mother is shivering).
Thought: I am searching for traumas about mother.

Before this dream the prover had to find a new place for his clinic. He found a new place in a shop that had to be rebuilt. The old clinic will stay. It had to be done for a long time. ( Now he is doing what was planned for a long time)

In the same dream I kiss one of the girls goodnight. She is a plump girl and longing for attention. I kiss her on the lips, but she gives no reaction. I am amazed.
Every morning I wake up with a musty head as if I had taken a sleeping pill. There is a storm in my head, sighing. Benumbed feeling. As if the brains are not able to catch things.

Prover 9 ( ♀ )
Dream: Meeting of 10 people. Leaders, high functionaries.
H. is there. Good nature. A refreshment bar. Sausages are cut into pieces and offered.
Dream about food.

Dream: She is standing with P. ( ♂ ) in front of a store. The doors are opened. People go inside and they take whatever they are able to grasp. Diving-suits, garden tools, rakes, spades with long holders. Everything is put in cars. They are sticking out of the cars.
She is wondering; what to do because the police will take hold of them.
She is thinking; I have everything, but perhaps I could do the same? P. says: “no way!” Nevertheless she grasps a tie and puts it away in her bag. Strange feeling, what was it about? What is allowed and what is not allowed.
Moral and immoral.
There is no control and the question is; will you do the same like everyone or do you keep your integrity?

Dream: in a Muslim country.
A building with all kinds of spaces and rooms. Corridors in a building made from glass, guards are there. One is an old lady with no teeth. She has a towel over her head and is asleep, her mouth widely opened, she has only one tooth left.
In the rooms perverse sexual acts are happening. It is not allowed but it happens because she is sleeping in stead of being on guard.
Again in this dream; moral and immoral.

Physical: I have a haemorrhoid that hurts and my underwear is wet.

Samarium Metallicum Proving C30
(To have an own point of view. To differ, to get clear.)

Prover 1 ( ♀ )
The first dose I took impulsively after visiting my mother. She is a widow now and she is suddenly very interested in administration and finance. During the time I am with her she persuades me that I have to know all about this. I trust my own feeling mostly and I am not interested in details.
After the dose of Samarium Metallicum I recognize that my mother is pushing me, I let go of it and return to myself.

Physically: Pain in the hips, during the evening after this first dose, right side more that left. Some pain in my lower abdomen, in the ovaries.
Next day I have pain in de hollow of the right knee for just a short time in the afternoon.

I had some pain in the sides and I had the need to put my hands there, fingers turned to the back. This posture has the expression as if you know what you want, self-confident, self-reliant.
I had the sensation that I had a flu, but it stopped.

I had an image (like a dream): Last year my husband (P) and I were on holiday on bikes in the surroundings of Namen (Belgium). We where searching for a camping-ground. Along the river we didn’t find a place. We had to climb a mountain; a tough piece of work after the 100km we biked already during the day. But the camping-ground was a nice one and the people were kind. The owners of the place were Dutch people, stubborn. They decided to have a camping-ground that differs totally from the other camping-grounds along the river.
In the beginning they were telling nice stories, but after some time we got to hear the bad aspects. They had to pay too much money, they had to repair everything, Etcetera.
The sanitary facilities where a mess.
There was a group of Dutch people who were on the place to climb the rocks. We all reacted in the same way and accepted the inconvenience about the place. We all knew that the owners needed time to rebuild the place.

Next day I took the remedy again. I again had the sensation of a flu and it stops.
I wrote a text for a magazine for people who are burned. The text is not what it has to be so I rewrite it together with the editor. Nice experience.

Loose stool with flatulence.
Muscle-pain in the thigh after a tennis match. This is new.
After 2 hours it is gone.
Sleepy eyes.

Prover 2 ( ♀ )
Sunday evening:
Weakness in the left side (this I recognized during the proving of Indium Metallicum C30 in the same way).
I slept very well, I woke up before the alarm and I was wide awake at 6.30. On the radio people are talking about circumcisions, immediately I rise from my bed to find another out-sender.
Monday morning I woke up early again. Now the radio was on the right program and I heard the daily news.
At my work something had been arranged and I didn’t realize it. The week before I knew it, but I didn’t react on it. Now I criticize it and say something like, "that shouldn’t happen like that". That was it.
In another situation someone enters the room and asks what to do. In fact this person is able to find her way. No reason at all she should ask something. Normally she would have taken over, but now she is telling her to do her own things!! End of the story!!!!!

Prover 3 ( ♂ )
I took the globule on Tuesday afternoon, immediately I think, this remedy has to do with borders.

Wednesday I have itching in the inguinal region near to the scrotum.
Itching in the right ear.
Some cramping pain above the right knee, front side.

I suddenly decide to trim a plant in my consulting room that is not looking good. (I was intending to do this for a long time, or to search for another plant.)

Everyday I am doing some exercises 5x21 in repetition, now I am doing it more often and it feels fine. It is easy.
I am jogging in the forest and I recognize that my hearing is acute.

In the evening I have an itchy spot between the 4th and 5th toe.
I have to go to stool and that is rare in the evening. After stool I pass an offensive smelling flatus. This is unusual.
I feel pain in my right hip, knee and ankle.

While watching a soccer match on television I say to my son, "the time is running too fast".

During the 2nd night I have a sound sleep and I wake up later than usual.
The pain in the knee and ankle is gone. While walking the pain in the hip is still there. Today my hearing is still acute.
I have time to myself today, no patient visiting and I collect my administration to deliver it to my book keeper.

Friday I wake up early again.
Dream: I have a conversation with a man who (illegal or against the rules) sends cattle away to a butcher. For him it is just business. I try to explain him that people will not be pleased and I try to convince him to cancel the deal, but I see the truck coming already.

This day I worked well: I see patients who need Rhus Toxicodendron.

Prover 11 ( ♀ )
Strange globules I thought, they would have a nice taste like vanilla. I have the idea of being in a temple with incense, very clear, spacious, spiritual. I inspire deeply through the nose and I feel serene, quiet and clarity coming over me, a nice and happy sensation. It seems as if I am able to see more clearly and intensely, the colour are beautiful.
Warmth in the throat chakra extending to the crown chakra. Pressure on the head with the sensation of clarity. For a moment I can hardly open my eyes, being too sleepy.

Blood crust in the nose, like I had in early days.
In the scene The King of Katharen I am playing the role of the minister "Clear". I play my role with passion; clarifying.

An old pain in the bones of the cervical region and the back that is better by turning.

My daughter and my partner observe that I take more distance.

Prover 13 ( ♀ )
I took the remedy and soon after taking it I felt bloated, especially after lunch and diner.
I had the idea to be more assertive in giving my opinion. I was able to go around doing what I saw as my part. It felt that everything was well arranged. I could clearly discriminate between myself and the other. So I was sharp at the moment my husband didn’t show up for dinner and my son told me that he couldn’t come at once. “Well that is his responsibility. We are going to eat now!!”
I recognized what was hindering me in a mother of one of the children at school. She is always crossing over my borders, she is exploring, calling me and makes it her own idea. This is "eye opening" for me.

Prover 14 ( ♀ )
This is a person who is well organized and sincere.
Dream: During a meeting of colleagues someone explained about tests in homeopathy. We all had the idea it was fantastic. It was rather strange that no one was questioning.
During a meeting where people were talking about shares she had the same feeling; strange, no one has questions!

Physically: Severe flu, she is ill, weak, chilly, pain in the muscles. That is why she wasn’t able to visit our meeting.

M. Plouvier Suijs

Categories: Provings
Keywords: samarium metallicum


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