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Catherine R. Coulter

Catherine R. Coulter

was born in 1934. Her first contact with homeopathy was while on holiday in France, where she sought homeopathic help for allergies. The homeopath asked her to return the next day, when he said that he had in the meantime consulted the famous American homeopath, Dr. Kent, about her case. Back in the USA, she sought out this Dr. Kent, only to find that he had died back in 1916!

Her interest sparked by this episode, Coulter began to teach herself homeopathy, first “devouring” Boericke's work, then the 10-volume materia medica of Hering, and finally Kent's Repertory.

She began to treat especially her family and friends. In the 1970s, she met various homeopathic physicians who were deeply impressed by her knowledge of the remedies, and who asked her to lecture on the materia medica. Since this time, she has been teaching at the National Center of Homeopathy in Millersville.

Main works:
A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer
Homoeopathic Sketches of Children’s Types
Portraits of Homeopathic Medicine

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Books 1 to 14 (of 14)

A Homoeopathic Approach to Cancer

250 pages, hb, product no. 01650
37.90 US$
31.90 US$
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Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines Vol.1

Psychophysical Analysis of Selected Constitutional Types
422 pages, hb, product no. 01653
41.90 US$
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Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines Vol.2

Psychophysical Analyses of Selected Constitutional Types
300 pages, hb, product no. 01654
41.90 US$
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Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines Vol.3

Expanding Views of the "Materia Medica"
338 pages, hb, product no. 01655
41.90 US$
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Nature and Human Personality

Homoeopathic Archetypes
224 pages, pb, product no. 01652
25.00 US$
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Une approche homéopathique du cancer

280 pages, hb, product no. 13393
36.90 US$
7.20 US$
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Aproximación homeopática al tratamiento del cáncer

288 pages, hb, product no. 11448
36.90 US$
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Krebs - Ein homöopathischer Behandlungsansatz

281 pages, hb, product no. 01638
59.90 US$
31.90 US$
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Die großen Kindermittel in der Homöopathie

Treffende Typenbilder für Kinder und Jugendliche
160 pages, hb, product no. 10296
30.90 US$
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A Homoeopathic Approach to Cancer - Imperfect copy

250 pages, hb, product no. 06411
35.90 US$
31.90 US$
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Archétypes Homéopathiques

246 pages, pb, product no. 08110

Portraits de remèdes homéopathiques, tome 3

352 pages, pb, product no. 08265

Portraits de remèdes homéopathiques, tome 1

480 pages, pb, product no. 13364

Portraits de remèdes homéopathiques, tome 2

320 pages, pb, product no. 13365

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