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organism’s individual immune reaction, and these are difficult to

classify from a conventional viewpoint. Homeopathy proves to be

a tried-and-tested treatment method since it recognizes the indi-

vidual, special symptom as the central expression of a generalized

disturbance that is basically just reinforced by the pathogenic

agent borrelia burgdorferi, which simply raises its pathogenicity.

There is much to learn about borreliosis. It eludes a conven-

tional description of events, demanding a new, more modern

perspective that is attuned to its specific nature.

CASE 1: eight-year-old girl, erythema migrans, borreliosis

Tamara came without an appointment to my surgery, accom-

panied by her mother, when the circular mark on her right

buttock became visible. According to her mother, the little girl

has generally been rather unwell in that she has been more

tired and listless than normal.

Acute treatment:

the mother vehemently opposed antibiotic

treatment. I asked her to repeat this in the presence of my

assistant and write it down. I had never treated the girl. There

was no time for comprehensive casetaking since she needed

rapid acute treatment.


1 x 5


200C, then


30C dissolved

in ¼ liter of water, to be taken in sips for three days, dissolved

afresh each day

After three days, there was no visible change in the local

symptoms. Yet, the little girl was evidently doing well and

made a more lively general impression. I repeated a dose of


200C and continued


dissolved in water. Some

days later, Tamara’s mother phoned to say that the circle had

started to steadily enlarge. I asked her to repeat


200C, one dose if the circle stopped enlarging. Tamara was to

continue taking dissolved


in the meantime.

Progress and comprehensive casetaking:

one month after

the start of the erythema, Tamara returned for full casetaking.

In the meantime, the circle had enlarged to almost the entire

buttocks and seemed more pale than at the beginning. Al-

though the initial treatment with the nosode and Ledum had

stimulated the illness into a positive dynamic, so that the girl’s

general condition was completely unaffected, there were good

reasons for more precise investigation. The propensity to fall ill

from a pathogen always has a cause.


Tamara’s situation:

Since moving from Lower Austria to

Burgenland a year ago, Tamara had been displaying more

noticeable problems than before. Above all she missed their old

house, which was much nicer than the current one, and also

her grandmother, who remained behind. She withdrew more

and more, and her appetite deteriorated noticeably. Later, she

had a water wart (molluscum contagiosum) on the neck as well

as eczema between the fingers of the left hand, although this

spontaneously disappeared shortly afterwards.

Family history:

Tamara has two older sisters, and together

they are a good team. Although she was not a planned child,

the pregnancy was without complication. Shortly before birth,

her mother fell ill with flu and high fever. During the birth, she

was thoroughly exhausted and weakened. There was placental

retention and subsequent curettage. Completely unexpectedly,

the mother’s father died as a result of flu five weeks after the

birth. Tamara’s mother recovered only slowly from this phase

of weakness.

Tamara was breastfed for a year and a half, and developed

quickly and well. She scarcely crawled and learned to walk at

the early age of ten months. She was able to talk early and

she found it easy to learn. She made a rather serious impres-

sion and, indeed, she was very sensible and calm in all she

did, not at all prepared to take risks. She could be stubborn, a

know-all, occasionally refuse to do things but in general she

was sociable. She tended to be sad, was easily moved, quick

to cry, and suffered from homesickness. Fearful and easily

started, she did not like being held high as a young child and

did not like rollercoasters. She was afraid of the dark, being

alone, and nightmares.

Tamara was not vaccinated. She suffered from a severe

varicella infection.

Tamara’s mother was caring and attentive. Her grandmother on

the mother’s side had an alcohol problem. Her father was a

so-called “blue baby”, as a result of which he was infection-

prone and sickly. After myocarditis and an EBV infection, he

suffered from chronic rheumatism, allergies, and asthma. The

grandfather on the father’s side died of cancer.

The patient’s condition:

she is a tender, pale, dark-haired

girl with large eyes. Sweat on the neck can lead to skin irrita-

tion. The holes of her ear-rings frequently become inflamed.

She is sensitive to cold and is prone to frequent infections.

Despite wearing a covering on her head, her ears easily be-

come inflamed and she gets throat pains and mucous ob-

structions, worse in the morning. Aphthae in the mouth are

not uncommon, worse after eating cheese. She eats little and

is very picky. She loves sweet things, including strawberries

and tomatoes. She dislikes beans and cabbage. She has a

stool daily, often hard and painful. At night, she frequently

awakes from a sleep filled with dreams, and has to get up to

urinate. She also complains of growth pains.


Calcium silicata

M, one dose per day for two days


when she returned four weeks later, the erythema

migrans had completely disappeared. There was merely a little