004-013_Koller-Wilmking_012015 - page 15

Anne Koller-Wilmking ¦ 
various remedies
spectrum of homeopathy
Problem Children ¦ 
Cases of our time
something would happen to her. Even now, when she’s not there,
I’m still often fearful, restless, nervous, sometimes completely
confused. But I don’t let other people notice it – they shouldn’t
see into my feelings, only mom and the cat are allowed to do
that, and they won’t tell anyone. There are people who are
there and no one notices them. I’d like to be as inconspicuous
as that and not be seen. You behave differently to how you are
because you can’t show yourself as you really are. Is reality
correct? You don’t know whether you yourself actually exist or
whether others exist. Descartes based existence on thought.
But that doesn’t work. We’re made of spirit and soul. I often
feel such emptiness in my head.”
“Yes, no thoughts or just one thought? I don’t know. Others
think I’m a grind but I’m not that at all. What do girls of my age
talk about? I can’t appreciate that. I prefer to talk with my
teacher, that’s more interesting. I’m always afraid of losing control.
I have to watch my behavior, everything that I do and say, other-
wise I might behave improperly, and that would be embarrassing.
I often get the feeling I’m making the wrong impression. I often
make jokes about other people. It feels good, like a façade.”
“Yes, you put on a different mask for each person. A friend
once told me that I just pretend to be what I’m not. You behave
differently to everyone. The mask is false. I want to be thoroughly
Any dreams?
“I pulled a girl’s hair and pinched her ears because she called
me a Nazi. Then, I felt really bad since I’d lost control. It was a
feeling of having done something wrong.”
Physical symptoms:
Frequent chilliness, lots of sweating on
the hands and feet, often stinky foot sweat in summer. Small
lymph nodes on the neck. Frequent dry mouth and constipa-
tion, especially on holiday.
Analysis and progress:
Silicea had helped her as a young
child. Now too, there are many indications for Silicea: she
wants to hide her weaknesses, not be seen, and not make the
wrong impression. The physical symptoms are also hints but it
is also about identity – who am I really?
Prescription of
the key sentence for me was: “You
put on a different mask for each person” (confusion about
one’s own identity). This, together with her great fear of losing
control, the constipation, and dry mouth suggested Alumina.
Alumina silicata
Follow up after two months:
“My concentration is much
better. I’m not so confused. I’m also not so afraid of exams.
I’d like to continue to be inconspicuous and disappear in the
crowd, not be noticed – but I do sometimes show myself a
little. (!!)
“Last time I didn’t dare tell you that I am afraid of knives, of
losing control and injuring someone with a knife. This has got
better (
what a great confirmation!
). Dry mouth and digestion
also somewhat improved.”
During the next four years, she needs a dose approximately
every six months. She does well in her final exams and has
started to study environmental technology. Compulsions and
the need to check things are still there to a small degree but do
not cause her problems. Social contacts are still difficult, espe-
cially with men. “I’m rather a loner. On the one hand, I would
like to have someone there but on the other hand, it would get
on my nerves. I sometimes find myself in conflict between social
conventions and what I want for myself. But it doesn’t bother
me that much.”
At the final consultation, she gives me some clay figures that
she has made herself and some small sandstone elephants. Her
main hobby is ceramics and carving – a lovely expression of her
Anna Koller-Wilmking
has been working as a qualified
pediatrician since 1992, with her
own private practice as homeo-
pathic pediatrician since 1998.
Homeopathic training from 1990
with Dorsci, Geukens, v.d. Planitz,
and Spinedi. Regular seminars
with Mangialavori in Bologna from
2001 to 2007.
Since 2005, she is intensively involved with the “sensation
method” (Sankaran, Shah, Chauhan, and others) with
several visits to India. Teacher for the A-F courses in Munich
and the three-month course in Augsburg.
Co-author of
Homöopathie in der Kinder und Jugend-
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