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Veterinary Homeopathy in Practice-DVD

Peter Gregory

publication: 2017
product no.: 22663
weight: 60g
approx. 35 min.

Veterinary Homeopathy in Practice-DVD

Peter Gregory

Peter Gregory in an interview with Heidi Brand
10.30 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
publication: 2017
product no.: 22663
weight: 60g
approx. 35 min.

Peter Gregory, the author of the book “Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy”,
is a leading British homeopathic vet. In this interview with Heidi Brand he enthusiastically
shares the insights he has gained over many years of practice and
explains the significance of miasms in the homeopathic treatment of animals.

First he describes his practical casetaking method. He explains how he elicits
symptoms, discusses general symptoms, and talks about the significance of
modalities concerning time, heat, coldness, and weather. What are the important
observations, which questions are asked, and what is the role of the relationship
between the animal and its owner?

Another theme dear to the heart
of Peter Gregory is the treatment of skin disease in dogs, such as the use of the
tubercular nosode for atopic eczema.
Further themes he discusses include the miasms in general – especially the tubercular
and the cancer miasms. Gregory shows what role they play and how
our understanding of them has developed since Hahnemann‘s time. For example
he explains when to prescribe the nosodes Tuberculinum (“The tubercular
dog is the dog with a skin disease“) and Carcinosinum (“The cancerous dog is
the perfect dog“).
In the interview he also shows how it is possible to recognise the various kingdoms
(mineral, plant and animal, as well as the imponderables) in animals, and
he discusses the significance of this for successful prescriptions.
Interview during the Congress for Animal Homeopathy, 2016 in Badenweiler, Germany

10.30 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Peter Gregory, the author of the book “Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy”,
is a leading British homeopathic vet. In this interview with Heidi Brand he enthusiastically
shares the insights he has gained over many years of practice and
explains the significance of miasms in the homeopathic treatment of animals.

First he describes his practical casetaking method. He explains how he elicits
symptoms, discusses general symptoms, and talks about the significance of
modalities concerning time, heat, coldness, and weather. What are the important
observations, which questions are asked, and what is the role of the relationship
between the animal and its owner?

Another theme dear to the heart
of Peter Gregory is the treatment of skin disease in dogs, such as the use of the
tubercular nosode for atopic eczema.
Further themes he discusses include the miasms in general – especially the tubercular
and the cancer miasms. Gregory shows what role they play and how
our understanding of them has developed since Hahnemann‘s time. For example
he explains when to prescribe the nosodes Tuberculinum (“The tubercular
dog is the dog with a skin disease“) and Carcinosinum (“The cancerous dog is
the perfect dog“).
In the interview he also shows how it is possible to recognise the various kingdoms
(mineral, plant and animal, as well as the imponderables) in animals, and
he discusses the significance of this for successful prescriptions.
Interview during the Congress for Animal Homeopathy, 2016 in Badenweiler, Germany

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10.30 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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Juan Diaz
verified purchase
1 year ago
Veterinary Homeopathy in Practice
Very good interview!!!
With good practical and wise tips from a very experienced vet homeopath
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